7 Great Restaurants To Try In Amsterdam

Eating In AmsterdamHolland is a great country and it is definitely one that you will want to try everything you can do and this even means eating in Amsterdam. However, with all the major European cities you will notice it can be very difficult for you to narrow down which of the restaurants you should be eating at and which ones you should avoid. I know this is a major issue that I have and often it ends up meaning that I end up getting stuck at a restaurant that I do not want to eat dinner at and end up disappointed in the meal. Since this is the case, I have decided to go out and rank the 7 great restaurants to try in Amsterdam to complete your Netherland travel plans. Then you can travel around Amsterdam and know that you will be able to get any of the food choices you want to have and not be disappointed in the food you are picking off the menu.

1. Restaurant Vlaming

When you are in Holland you will notice that unlike a lot of places in America their are a lot of family owned locations. This is one of those places and it definitely will help give you the meal that you want to have. Restaurant Vlaming is based off of the family recipes and often will provide you with a Dutch type of food that you had only read about before. That is when you need to realize this place takes a step up and provides you with a great meal and plenty of options on the menus for you to enjoy.

I will tell you when you hear you will want to step out of your comfort zone a little bit. This is going to be because the food you will find here is going to be worth stepping out of this zone and you will be shocked what an ingredient can be turned into when it is placed in expert hands and going to provide you with the great meal you want to have. My personal favorite is the tuna, but if you want to have a great after meal item then I recommend trying out the sticky toffee.

2. The Happy Bull

The Happy Bull would not be happy if he saw what happens to the cows here. The Happy Bull is an amazing American style restaurant that the locals and tourist alike will want to flock to. This place has great burgers and I have to admit, the burgers from here are on the same level as some of the burgers I have gotten in New York City before. However, I will admit the Dutch twist on some of the menu items you will see is definitely a plus here because it definitely will allow you to have some great food, but at the same time know you will have a chance to experience some of the local twists in your Netherlands travel even while eating an American style meal.

3. Jacketz

The first couple of places may seem to be a little pricey for some people, I know the price is comparable to what you are going to get and they do not disappoint. However, when you are looking for a cheap eat then you will have to check out Jacketz. This place is more of a Dutch style restaurant, but it will also take a lot of the cuisine ideas from the Central European region as well. So it will be quite a bit easier for you to have a great meal that you are going to enjoy and know that it is not only going to be in the Dutch style of making food. The food that I like from this place out of all the menu options is the pulled pork and the jacket potato.

4. Piqniq

Piqniq is more of a Dutch Cafe that you are going to want to explore as well. That is becaus this is a great stop if you want to grab a quick bite for lunch. I know this may seem like it would be hard to do, but you need to realize this place has some great food and the seating is more of like a picnic table type of seating in some places. This definitely makes it easier for you to enjoy the food and the atmosphere of the location all at the same exact time. When you are here, I definitely recommend trying out one of the quiches as they are simply to die for and will provide you with a filling meal option.

5. La Rive

With the proximity to France it is only a matter of time before you will want to try some of the French food that is in the area. When you do this I would definitely recommend you go and try the food at La Rive. This is a restaurant that will take the Dutch food and French food and provide you with the perfect cuisine options. So it will be very easy for you to have a great meal that you will enjoy eating when you are in Holland. When you are here and you want to have some great options I definitely recommend trying to get the tasting menu as it will give you some good food from all over the place, but it will also fill you up at the same time.

6. De Silveren Spiegel

De Silveren Spiegel is a restaurant that will take you from being in humble Holland to the royal courts of Holland. However, you are still going to be located in the restaurant that is just how good the food is here. You will experience the Dutch food like you never imagined possible in an upscale location that has a very humble appearance on the outside of the restaurant. I have to admit, you are going to enjoy the course tasting menu, but if you are able to get it I would recommend getting the loin because it is definitely among the best food you can find in the city and will provide you with a true flavor filled profile that you normally would not get.

7. Teppanyaki Restaurant Sazanka

When you are in Amsterdam one type of food that you will notice not a lot of people eating in Amsterdam is the Japanese cuisine. Now, I am not sure why this is as I personally enjoy the food and think the food choices offered are quite good. However, when you are in Amsterdam and want to get a taste of the Japanese cuisine then I would recommend Teppanyaki. This place is definitely going to give you some great menu options and the food is prepared perfectly each time I have eaten here. What I really like about this place is they use the Wagyu beef, which is among some of the most tender beef I have ever had a fork in before.

Picking A Place To Eat

I have provided you with the list of what I consider to be the 7 great places try in Amsterdam for a variety of meal options. I do know that you will want to try each one of these, but you will need to break down what you are looking for based off of the food options you have available. Then you will be able to find the cuisine that will work best for your taste bud. I do recommend, though, that at least one meal you try the Dutch food as you may end up shocked that it is not all based off of haring like you may think. No matter what, when you are eating in Amsterdam the chance to experience some great food is a real possibility.
