Huntington West Virginia Skyline
Image from <a href="">Wikipedia</a>

Attractions In Huntington West Virginia – West Virginia Travel

Huntington West Virginia Skyline
Image from Wikipedia

Huntington, West Virginia is mainly famous for Marshall University and the movies documenting the university. However, what you need to realize is this river town, located on the Ohio River, is actually a city that has quite a bit to offer. The downside is Huntington, which is located not far off of I-64, does not really draw in the number of visitors as it should. This means a lot of the attractions in Huntington are going unnoticed, which means you can visit the attractions quickly and take your time without being rushed. So what are some of the great attractions in Huntington, West Virginia for you to check out? Now, it is time to explore some of the best attractions in Huntington, West Virginia.

How Did I Narrow Down My List Of Huntington West Virginia Attractions

Huntington is a river city, but it is also a city that has a lot of historical significance as well. With that in mind I tried to keep it to attractions that actually highlighted the history of the city, but allows you to enjoy the river as well. At the same time, though, I know a lot of people love the fact that Huntington is a smaller city and has that small-town feel. So I tried to find some of the attractions that would take you down to the city and outside at the same time.

Huntington Museum Of Art

Huntington West Virginia Museum of ArtThe Huntington Museum of Art is the biggest art museum in West Virginia and that is definitely a plus for the region. What else is great is the larger size of the museum means you can visit and see a wide range of art pieces.  The art varies from what you would expect with the American Art, but it even has some amazing pieces that are along the Inuit Art & Sculpture. Now, unlike some art museums that only feature art, the Huntington Art Museum has the added bonus of a chance to see some amazing glass pieces, Islamic prayer rugs, and even English silver.

If you are looking for a place to have a safe family outing on hiking trails, if the weather cooperates the art museum in West Virginia here definitely has the solution. The Huntington Art Museum is located on 50 acres and has plenty of nature for you to enjoy. The art museum does have nature trails in grounds and they are very family friendly trails that makes it easier for everyone in the family to get into the trail.

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Heritage Farm Museum and Village

Do you want to take a step back in time and see how a true mountain town would feel and look? If that is the case, then you have to check out the Heritage Farm Museum and Village. The location is one that allows you to go back to a mountain town, which would have been around in the 1800’s. At the same time, though, you are able to go to the farm and see what type of changes have been made over time to help get the agriculture to what we recognize today.

What you need to realize is you need to consider the different attraction or stores you want to visit. Then you need to check out the Heritage Farm Museum and Village website. This way you can see what is going to be open on the day that you go. Granted, you can still walk by the buildings, but they may not be open for you to go into the buildings. As a side note, the Heritage Farm Museum and Village is part of the Smithsonian Affiliate program, which tends to have a very high level of expectations.

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Touma Museum of Medicine

Touma Museum of MedicineThe Touma Museum of Medicine is one place that you would have to start to plan ahead to get into. The museum is located on a third floor of a building, but it is well worth the time to take to get here. The Touma Museum of Medicine is by appointment only, but it is definitely worth the trip. Once you see how small the space is you will see why it is so important to make an appointment to see the location.

When you go to the Touma Museum of Medicine you may notice it will take about 2 hours to go through. However, you get  a chance to step through the doors of medical history. You can see the doctors buggy that was restored to the doctors car. What else is great is you have a chance to check out all the different pieces of equipment and even medications that would have been used in the past. Definitely a real eye opening experience that will make you appreciate the advances to modern medicine we have now.

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Harris Riverfront Park

Sometimes you just want to get out and enjoy the scenery. Well, that is why I included the Harris Riverfront Park in the list here. Yes, it is a simple park with some exercise equipment and picnic tables, but it is along the Ohio River. The river actually is right at the base of one of the hills that you can walk down and that makes it easier for you to get access to the river. If you wanted to you could even go fishing, but make sure you check about fishing license requirements before you go to the park with your rod.

If you have kids they are going to like the fact that the Harris Riverfront Park does have a fairly large playground for your kids. This makes it easier for you to bring your kids into West Virginia and allow them to stretch their legs. What is an even better idea is to find a local restaurant and order some locally made food. Then bring it with you to the park and sit down and feed some of the ducks or geese, but also get to look at everything that is around you.

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Camden Park

Camden Park Clown Entrance Huntington, WVWhile you may think that West Virginia would be an odd place to put a theme park it really is not. Camden Park is definitely one place that proves that rumor wrong. Camden Park is one of the best attractions in Huntington, West Virginia. Camden Park has been around for over a hundred years and has been a destination for local families for generations. The theme park started off very small as a small picnic area for the employees of the Camden Interstate Railway.

Since then Camden Park has expanded to a smaller, but fully operational theme park. The park features a roller coaster and quiet a few other rides as well. One of the favorites on a hot summer day is the log flume. At the same time, though, the park does have camping available as well for you to spend the entire weekend if you would like. Now, depending on what is going on at the time you may be able to find some great weekend deals and that will definitely make your trip well worth the venture to Huntington.

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Museum Of Radio and Technology

One thing that changed the world and rarely gets credit for the changes that was made in the modern world is radio. Yes, the radio did replace the telegraph in how it works, but it is definitely a step to the modern world that we love. If you think about it, without radio waves we would not even have WiFi to get connected to the Internet. At the same time, though, radio has made its own transition from being the larger units that would be the focal point of the entire family to the smaller units that we now carry in the palm of our hands.

At the Museum of Radio and Technology, you can enjoy all the different radios that started off the technology wave. Then you can start to step through the ways that the technology changed over time and how it is starting to turn into the great look that we know. What else is great bout the Museum of Radio and Technology in Huntington is the fact that they go and cover some of the features that a lot of people have forgotten like ham and short wave radio. The military is not forgotten at this great museum either with a display on the way the military communicates. If you want to find out more about the local broadcasting icons to the West Virginia area, then you need to consider this museum as well.

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How To Pick The Huntington Attraction To See

Ideally, you would not have to limit yourself, but I know that time and a lot of times money is a major consideration. With that being said, you want to weigh all the different options you have available. Personally, I think I would like to see the heritage farm if I had a short time period, but also having a lunch and looking over the Ohio River in the middle of the day is a great way to relax as well. No matter what the attractions in Huntington have something for everyone.

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