Hiroshima Travel

6 Best Attractions In Hiroshima

Hiroshima TravelGoing to Hiroshima may not be the highlight of your trip in Japan, but you need to realize a Hiroshima travel is going to be one of those places that you definitely need to make a point to see. The problem is so many people overlook this location because they have only heard negative things about the city or even worse not know anything about the city and live under the assumption that since it is not Tokyo it has something wrong with it. That is far from the truth and can easily lead to you not wanting to know about the place because you are being so far misled. Since this is the case I decided it was time for me to share what I feel are the 6 Best Attractions In Hiroshima. Then you can see that this city is not one you should overlook, instead, it is one that will empower you and draw you into the beauty and charm of the place.


6. Hiroshima Peace Memorial 

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial is a great place for you to walk in and reflect on the destruction that nuclear power can have on the world. While this was not caused by nuclear power, but the atomic bomb it is still a great place to go and reflect on the power that you are going to see with the powers that have come around in this world. However, what you will really love is the quietness of the park and how it is going to allow you the time to reflect and pay your respects to those who were civilians who never had a chance to do anything about what was going to happen to them when the bomb was dropped to save millions of lives of both sides to end the war.

5. Hiroshima Castle 

You may view this place as one of the best looking places to visit and that is true for the most part. However, what you will also notice is this is a place that is going to be a reproduction of the 16th-century castle that was on the same spot. However, this reproduction is done with so much period accuracy that you cannot even tell the difference in most cases. So this will definitely be a great place for you to go out and explore because the place is one of those that is going to teach you quite a bit of history, but also make it easier for you to enjoy the way the castles were built at the time period and how these were meant to keep the shogun safe and protected.

4. Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum

When you think of art museums you will think about some of those in Europe and really discount a lot of the art museums in Japan. This would be a mistake on your part because the Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum is one that is going to really showcase a lot of the arts that you will be able to see in the local artist who may not ever make it out of Japan, but in the country itself are a fairly popular artist who has managed to make a big name for themselves based off of the artworks they have put forth. What else is nice about this location is the fact that it has a great garden for you to tour. After you have finished touring the museum and the garden you will want to stop in and check out the shop and grab a bite to eat at the on-site eatery.

3. Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park

As you can tell this is a Zoological Park and it is one that will have quite a few animals on display in the zoo. This is going to have some of the animals in the natural habitat which will make it quite a bit easier for you to enjoy the zoo quite a bit because the animals are going to be very comfortable in the location and they are going to have a relaxed look to them. What is even better is the zoo has quite a few animals for you to go out and see and in some cases, it will be animals you may have never seen before or at least never seen them in the settings the Hiroshima City Asa Zoological Park has them in.

2. Shukkei-en

If you want to explore a beautiful Japanese style garden then you have to visit Shukkei-en. This is a place that has had a garden on the site since the 16th-century. So this will definitely be a place that has plenty of history for you to explore, but it will also have a koi pond as well. Some of the fish in this pond are really old, but the chance to just see the koi in the pond swimming around without a care in the world is something that you are really going to love because it allows you to rest and reflect as well. If you find yourself thirsty you are in the proper place as the Shukei-en has a great tea shop inside of it as well.

1. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

As you can tell this is in relation to the peace memorial park. However, the museum is a place that will help you out in getting the knowledge of what happened to the city. It will also have various displays that highlight what is going on in the city at the time of the bomb dropping and what happened right after the bomb was dropped. The museum is a great place to go and reflect on this and know what kind of changes that were made in the world because the nuclear weapons when they were unleashed were never going to be put away again.

Which Of The Attractions Is The Best? 

Well, I have to admit when you are looking at your Hiroshima travel plans you will notice it is going to be difficult for you to find the right places to go. I know that I have presented you with the list of what I feel are the 6 best attractions in Hiroshima. These will easily make most peoples plans for the travel trips they are going to make to Hiroshima. However, if you are uncertain you will find that there are plenty of other attractions as well and even some amazing shrines as well. This will make it easier for you to find the locations you should be seeing and no matter what when you are on your Japan travel trip it will make it quite a bit easier for you to find the best places to go and visit.



  • Yin-Le Wang

    Yin-Le Wang is a distinguished author and cultural connoisseur, renowned for her profound expertise in Japanese travel and traditions. Born into a family passionate about exploration and the rich tapestry of global cultures, Yin-Le embarked on her first journey to Japan as a young girl, an experience that ignited a lifelong love affair with the country's diverse landscapes, ancient rituals, and the subtle artistry of daily life. With an academic background that marries the humanities with Oriental studies, Yin-Le has spent decades traversing the length and breadth of Japan, from the snow-capped peaks of Hokkaido to the tropical beaches of Okinawa. Her writing, characterized by vivid storytelling and deep cultural insights, serves as a bridge between the East and West, inviting readers into the heart of Japan's most sacred spaces and bustling urban centers alike. Yin-Le's works include a series of critically acclaimed travel guides, cultural essays, and photographic journals, each piece a testament to her immersive approach and meticulous research. A fluent speaker of Japanese, she has formed enduring relationships with locals across the country, granting her access to hidden gems and stories often overlooked by the casual traveler. Beyond her writing, Yin-Le is a sought-after speaker at cultural festivals and academic forums, where she shares her nuanced understanding of Japan's evolving identity in the global landscape. Her blog and social media channels are treasure troves of travel tips, culinary recommendations, and philosophical musings on the Japanese way of life, followed by a global audience of travel enthusiasts and culture vultures. Yin-Le Wang is not just a guide to Japan's geographical marvels; she is an ambassador of its soul, offering a lens through which the world can appreciate the intricate beauty and enduring traditions of this enchanting land.

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By Yin-Le Wang

Yin-Le Wang is a distinguished author and cultural connoisseur, renowned for her profound expertise in Japanese travel and traditions. Born into a family passionate about exploration and the rich tapestry of global cultures, Yin-Le embarked on her first journey to Japan as a young girl, an experience that ignited a lifelong love affair with the country's diverse landscapes, ancient rituals, and the subtle artistry of daily life. With an academic background that marries the humanities with Oriental studies, Yin-Le has spent decades traversing the length and breadth of Japan, from the snow-capped peaks of Hokkaido to the tropical beaches of Okinawa. Her writing, characterized by vivid storytelling and deep cultural insights, serves as a bridge between the East and West, inviting readers into the heart of Japan's most sacred spaces and bustling urban centers alike. Yin-Le's works include a series of critically acclaimed travel guides, cultural essays, and photographic journals, each piece a testament to her immersive approach and meticulous research. A fluent speaker of Japanese, she has formed enduring relationships with locals across the country, granting her access to hidden gems and stories often overlooked by the casual traveler. Beyond her writing, Yin-Le is a sought-after speaker at cultural festivals and academic forums, where she shares her nuanced understanding of Japan's evolving identity in the global landscape. Her blog and social media channels are treasure troves of travel tips, culinary recommendations, and philosophical musings on the Japanese way of life, followed by a global audience of travel enthusiasts and culture vultures. Yin-Le Wang is not just a guide to Japan's geographical marvels; she is an ambassador of its soul, offering a lens through which the world can appreciate the intricate beauty and enduring traditions of this enchanting land.