5 Best Cities To Visit In Australia In 2018

Traveling to Australia is one of those things that you should consider doing for a variety of reasons. However, what you will find is it can be very difficult for you to find the right place to go because of the vastness of this country. That is what I would think anyways, but that is just my feelings on the matter about my country and that is why I was asked to write this article and I am hoping to be able to write even more articles in the future for you the readers. In this article, I am going to cover the 5 best cities to visit in Australia in 2018 and hopefully beyond because these are the same exact cities I love to visit and have since I was a lad a long time ago. So you may be asking yourself why you would want to trust the cities here and that is simple because I wrote them! However, I have to say you will want to visit these cities because they are some of the best places in the country and they easily have anything that you would want to see and do.


How Did I Narrow Down My List

Well, I have to say I had quite a bit of work because the country is big and I wanted to provide you with the best choices. That is why I worked hard on finding the cities that would have the best attractions for everyone to enjoy, but also the cities that would have plenty of dining options and even places to stay as well. Then I looked at the budget that people may have in mind when they are traveling to Australia to help find a place that was affordable and nice as well. So that is how I worked on this list and I know you will enjoy this list of cities to see in Australia.

1. Sydney

Sydney Opera house at nightSydney is the city that everyone will recognize because of the amazing harbor and the beautiful opera house. However, what you will find is this city is one that you are going to fall in love with because it is a darling of a town and one that even as the most populous city in the country is going to make you feel at home. You just have to realize that it may take some time for you to feel at home and that is definitely something that you should consider. What else is nice is because of the large population of the city you will notice that it is going to make it easier for you to find some of the best lodging in the country, but also find this to be a place like Los Angeles with the cultural melting pot for the restaurant selections. All of this combined with the harbor that you can enjoy by boat makes Sydney my hands down top choice for Australia.


2. Perth

Perth skyline at nightPerth is on the West Coast of Australia and I have to say it is definitely a city that is well worth venturing to the West Coast. The place has quite a bit going for it and it is easily one of those places that you could fall in love with rather quickly because it is kind of out of the way of everything and it is a welcoming city compared to some of the other places you may have traveled to. Not to mention, Perth has the beautiful Swan River that is going to flow down to it and make it even more comfortable for you to enjoy the city. The best part that you will enjoy is going up on top of Mount Eliza and being able to enjoy the sweeping views of the city. Then you will be able to spot everything that you can do and know that you are getting some of the best views possible of the city.


3. Darwin

Darwin is a city that has a strong military past and it is easy to see why when you see that this city is located as one of the Northern cities and easily is the capital city of this region of Australia. This region was the one that was going to be able to face the brunt of any Japanese invasion force during World War II. What is great about this city is the fact that it has some of the amazing sunsets like you can see in the picture that we have here of the cities sunset. At the same time, if you want to explore some of the military history that is in Australia is the fact that you are going to be able to enjoy the amazing Darwin military museum that is a unique experience that you may have never had the chance to explore before coming to Darwin.


4. Brisbane

Brisbane is located on the fabled Gold Coast of Australia and that definitely means you will have plenty to do and see. However, at the same time you will find this is going to make it easier for you to have a great vacation that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of a major city that you have in Brisbane, but at the same time you can take a short trip outside of the city and be able to enjoy the coast. If you are planning on staying in the city then you will want to make sure you hit up the Southbank area of the Brisbane River because this is often seen as the cultural hub of the city and it has all the different museums that are going to make you feel perfectly at home.


5. Melbourne

Melbourne is a great city that is seen as the coastal capital of the Southeastern region of Australia. This definitely means it will have plenty for you to enjoy and see. However, at the same time, you will find this is going to make it easier for you to find the coastal regions and know you will be able to enjoy your trip because you can enjoy the water. One of the places that you will find completely amazing when you are visiting Melbourne will be the fact that you can visit the National Gallery of Victoria. This is a location that you will find amazing and full of the art that no one really knows about because we are not one of those places that is in the middle of Europe with the masters of the arts that have managed to make an amazing name for themselves.


How To Pick When Visiting Australia

Well, this is the difficult part because this is a large country that you are going to enjoy and will want to see everything that you can. In fact, some people do not want to go home after they have come here once. That is why I have worked hard on narrowing down what I feel are the 5 best cities to visit in Australia. Then you can make your trip and know that you are traveling to Australia with a great trip in mind and will not be disappointed in any of these five cities.

