6 best attractions in London
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6 Most Popular Attractions In London

6 best attractions in London
Photo by Pablo Cabezos is licensed under CC

London is one of those cities that it is very easy to get lost in when you are traveling England. However, it is also a city that has plenty for you to see because it is a city that has a long history and definitely has plenty that is dedicated to that history and the way the city has built around the attractions that showcase the history in some cases and in others the pomp of being home to the Royal Family. What is really hard for a lot of travelers is trying to narrow down the list of what you should be seeing and doing. I know that this list that I have here is going to be kind of a cliche type of list as it will include some of the main sights you would see as a tourist, but I am going to try to include a couple that may fly under the radar as well. This way you are going to have some great information and can plan your holiday in London by knowing about the 6 most popular attractions in London to enjoy.


6. British Museum

British Museum -
Photo by Simon Carrington is licensed under CC

The British Museum is a great place to go and one that you are sure to fall in love with for the history and the culture this museum has preserved. You may think that this is not going to really be seen here, but you need to realize a lot of the museums that are talking about in regard to the Egyptian mummies, Chinese cultural items, and several other items are all housed in the British Museum. Think about it like this, some of the items that are in this museum have been perfectly preserved for generations to learn about, but also they have managed to attract the attention of leaders in research from all over the world to come out and see them.

You may think that this place is just going to house some of the artifacts about these older lands. However, this is not true as the place also houses some of the artworks as well. You often will not get a chance to go out and explore the beauty of the arts of ancient Greece, but here you not only have this chance you have an opportunity that you are going to simply fall in love with the quality of the arts

5. Trafalgar Square 

Trafalgar Square a London attraction
Photo by AisforAmy91 is licensed under CC

You have probably heard of this place in the song, but what you need to realize is unlike some places that are featured in songs this one actually exists and it is a place that has become the centerpiece of the city for the beauty of the square, but also because it allows you to just sit and relax. What else is great about this place is the fact that it allows you to see the famous Nelson’s Column which is the spot that is guarded by the four lions and has been seen in multiple movies and other places that you are going to like.

What else is great about this place is the fact that it has some of the best art pieces that you can enjoy as well. That is because the National Gallery is located here as well. You may think this sounds expensive to go to, but you need to realize at the time of this publication it was free to get into and this makes it easier for you to have a great trip and know you will be able to enjoy the trip to the square and not only see the place the song sings about, but also have a chance to see some amazing pieces of art.

4. Leadenhall Market

Leadenhall Market in London
Photo by Herry Lawford is licensed under CC

Do you want to go shopping in a Victorian style shopping market? If you do then you will want to make sure you check out Leadenhall Market. This is a place that has quite a bit of shopping available to you, but it will also look vaguely familiar to a lot of people. As an interesting note if you want to go and be able to enjoy your trip here then you will want to hit up Leadenhall Market on a weekday as it is not as crowded and this allows you to take your time to browse and not really feel like you are being rushed by the crowds.

Now, as we mentioned this place may look vaguely familiar to people. Well, that is because this is a place that when the movies and television shows need to have a Victorian style market they tend to ring up the market. That is because it is going to be easy to adapt to the look that the movie people want to have, but also going to have the look that is needed as well without having to build a new set. One of the more popular movies that this has appeared in is the Harry Potter block of movies as the market that Harry is seen in at times.

3. Southbank Centre

Southbank Centre In London
Photo by Paul Simpson is licensed under CC

As you can tell by the name Southbank, this is going to be located on the Southbank of the River Thames. This allows you to see this is a great location right off the bat. What you really will be interested in is how this has become one of the leading destinations for the arts in Europe, not just England, but all of Europe. That is because this is an arts centre that has taken and combined 3 different art forms into one venue and each one has something that someone is going to love. This is very true if you are able to catch a concert at the location while you are here.

The three locations are split up into the Royal Festival Hall that is going to play host to mainly the classical genre of music and this is going to be a great way to start the day as it opens at 10:00 am. Queen Elizabeth Hall and Purcell Room is a venue that is more for a concert or performing acts that can be done on the stage. This is also a location that makes it easier for the reading of books by the authors and such. Finally, you will see Hayward Gallery is a place that is going to be seen for more of the contemporary artworks that you will want to view. So this will allow you to have a great trip and know you can see some of the artworks. It is important to note that the Gallery is closed on Tuesday’s.

2. Tower Of London

Tower of London
Photo by Doug Kerr is licensed under CC

This is a place that has quite a bit of history and definitely is one that you are going to want to check out. This place has managed to be the place that has seen a lot of death, torture, and even happiness. All of these combined has definitely made this into one of those places that you are going to simply fall in love with. It is a little bit on the pricey side for some people if they are going here on a tour, but it is well worth the cost. Just imagine when you are taking the tour, that this is the place that has had some of the most infamous criminals in the history of England housed in it, but just down the hall it could have had the Crown Jewels.

Not to mention this is a place that has faced battle at times as well as it is a castle. Which you know any castle from the Middle Ages is a common thing that is going to have happened. So you will see that this castle not only holds the history of being a place that was seen in the prison and royal family home, but also as a structure that had to undergo and overcome some of the battles that were fought at the doorsteps of the place.

1. Buckingham Palace

Guard at Buckingham Palace
Photo by Tracey R is licensed under CC

This place is one of the most popular places to visit anywhere in Europe and possibly in the World outside of the Vatican. However, what you will find is this is a place that is often a tourist trap and can be very difficult for you to figure out where you should go or even stand to catch a glimpse of the palace. What I really like is the fact this is a place that is home to the Royal Family and you have a chance of stealing a glimpse of her Highness or even one of the princes depending on what is going on with the family at the time.

Some people will only want to go here for the changing of the guard. I will say that I can completely understand this because it is a great ceremony to see and enjoy, I will also say that it can be very crowded and difficult to get a glimpse of the change because it is so crowded. With that being said, I would have to strongly advise if you are going to catch this ceremony you will want to make sure you arrive early and depending on the day of the week you may have to get their an hour early or even a half hour early. No matter what, Buckingham Palace is one of my favorite places to see when I am in London.

How To Pick Which Attraction To See

This is the challenge because you can tell from these attractions that I have listed that they are all great and I have ranked them based off of what I like about the attractions and what I want to see time and time again. So this is just based off of my own views and what I could find about what other people thought of them as well. So I really have to say the best way to enjoy London is to go off of what you like and want to see. However, you will really want to consider trying to get one of the 6 most popular attractions in London in the list on your holiday itinerary. Then you can see the attractions in London and know you have seen something that everyone will brag about seeing.



By Ian