Discover The Best Cities To See In Tuscany

Tuscany is easily one of the most beautiful regions in Italy, but just like when you are traveling around America it is just one of what Americans would consider a state, some countries a province and others a regional government area. The problem that you will often find is with all the regions in Italy you will start to find smaller cities that are going to be a place that you should spend some time in when  you are touring around Italy. With that being the case, I have decided it was time for me to go out and rate some of the cities in Tuscany to make it easier for you to know which one of these you should be looking at and make sure you are going to have a great trip to Italy that allows you to have a great time.


Duomo in FlorenceFlorence is a city that is the home to the capital of the Tuscan region, but it is definitely a place that you are going to fall in love with. The city has plenty for you to enjoy with some great restaurants, beautiful plazas and even some of the best art works that are present from the Renaissance period. However, what you need to realize this is a city that has plenty for you to do that is going to get you out of the city proper as well. So this is definitely what has helped to make Florence a great stop for you to make. Not to mention if you are a history lover, you will enjoy the beauty of the region because you can finally have a chance to see the history of some of the places that you have read about in books, but also have a chance to see some of the early settlements that were present in the region as well, some of which date from the Etruscan people.


Siena at SunsetSiena is a beautiful city that looks like in places that you have takne a step back in time. However, this is a city that has a fan type of shape to the city and has some great plazas that you are going to fall in love with that are connected to the fans that you are going to fall in love with. The best feature you are going to fall in love with here is going to be the Torre del Mangia. This is the sweeping tower that you are going to notice in the region and want to go out and see. The views you are going to have at the tower are simply amazing and definitely is something you will want to look forward to using because it is going to be a great time in the city and definitely going to give you something that you will enjoy. Not to mention, the Piazza del Campo is a great place for you to go out and sit down and enjoy a great cup of coffee or tea, while watching the people.

San Gimignano

Beautiful view of San GimignanoIf you want to really take a step back in time and enjoy a town that is still surrounded by the walls that were built in the 13th century, then you will want to go and visit San Gimignano. This is an amazing town that has a lot of the history that you are going to love because it is going to have some of the beauty that you would want to have, but also have a history that is going to be something you are going to learn about as well. If you want to have a great time in the square you will notice that it is going to be a great place to visit because of the beauty of the buildings that are from the medieval times and have some great beauty. The best part to go and see some of these buildings that are still standing is the Piazza della Cisterna, which is an amazing square that has the houses surrounding it, but also allows you to have some of the stunning views of the towers that are still standing to this day.


Leaning Tower of PisaTrying to see the leaning tower of Pisa? If you are then you need to make sure you go to Pisa. The town in Italy is a great place that you are going to love, because it is going to have a lot of the best attractions that you have heard of before. However, you will also know that the town is one of those that you are going to love because it is going to be a great place that you are going to have a chance to go and see, but also know the chance to see the best history that is present and know that it is going to be a chance to explore some of the history that is present in the town, but also as so many tourist and other people have noticed this is a great place to get an amazing photo op with the tower and make it look like they are holding it up, stepping on it, and a wide variety of other options that people are going to do with [popup_product]Photoshop.[/popup_product]


Lucca ItalyLucca is a city in Tuscany that has managed to make a great name for itself, but it is also a city in Italy that is on the river. So this is going to make it a great way for you to get out and see some of the beauty that is seen only in the Renaissance period. This is a great town that showcases this out because it has a fantastic way to get the look that you are going to want to have with the beauty of a mostly intact city. The best part about this beautiful city is the chance to take a beautiful stroll along the pathways at the top of the city walls that are tree lined and provide you with some of the most commanding views of the city that you may have never imagined that you would be able to see before. No matter what Lucca, is a beautiful city and because it does not have anything like the major Renaissance artworks or the Leaning Tower of Pisa it is going to be easy for you to see the major crowds are not going to be in the town and this is an amazing place.

Important Links To Check Out

Want to explore more of Tuscany? Check out our Tuscany travel page.

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