Discover The Best Cities To Go In Argentina

Flag of ArgentinaGoing to Argentina may not be on the bucket list of a lot of people, especially if you are Jeremy, Richard, or James from The Grand Tour now, but it is a beautiful country nonetheless. The key is knowing where you should be going to and what you will be seeing when you are in Argentina. That is why I decided it was time for me to showcase some of the best cities for you to come and visit in my country. By doing this it will allow you to have a better vacation and a trip that is well-rounded compared to what you could have had if you did not know anything about my country and end up disappointed because of your trip not panning out like you would expect it to.

Buenos Aires

If you want to see some European style buildings, but do not want to go to Europe, then Buenos Aires may be a great option. I personally love the capital city of my country and I have found that it is going to be loved by quite a few people. This is a city that does have a lot of the power of Argentina as well since it is the capital city of the country. What you may really like when you are going to Buenos Aires is going to be the beautiful MALBA art museum that you can tour and see some beautiful works of art you may have missed outside of this museum.

 Cityscape of Buenos Aires


Taking a trip to Antarctica may not be something that you ever considered doing before. However, this is definitely something that you can do from the beautiful city of Ushuaia. This is a city that is going to allow you to go to Antartica, but also have a great time because you have the beautiful mountains that are around the city. These mountains make it very easy for you to have a chance to go out and see the beauty of the country and enjoy some of the skiing the region is very famous for and know it will be a trip you will not forget. If you do not want to get into the mountains or even look at the skiing then you can enjoy the beauty of the penguins that are around.

Ushuaia Argentina


Salta is a beautiful city and one that can serve as a great jumping off point. The city of Salta has been one of those that we have already covered in depth, but plan on going in deeper. However, what is great about this city is the fact it is one that has managed to land quite a bit of the beauty that you are going to love with a historic rail line, but also some of the amazing looking churches you are going to want to look for. These churches are from the colonial period and some of them were founded by some of the first Catholic monks who came to the area. Overall, this is a beautiful city and one you will enjoy.

Puerto Iguazu

Puerto Iguazu is a place you will like because it is a casino city on the border. This is going to make it easier for you to have a good time, but also be able to get back to the other countries you are looking for traveling too. What else is great about this place is the fact it is going to have a great natural setting for you to enjoy as well. The natural beauty you are going to have available to see is going to be some of the best waterfalls you can see in Argentina. So you will want to make sure you look at this beautiful city because it is going to have plenty for you to do and even have a chance to go out and see the beauty of the mountains.

Puerto Iguazu

Mar del Plata

The Atlantic Coast is one that is going to be a little bit on the warmer side of Argentina and when you want to go out and explore the beauty of the country you will like the resort town of Mar del Plata. This is a beautiful city and one that has plenty of coastline for you to enjoy. However, what else you will like from here is the beauty of the resorts that are present in Argentina. These resorts are easily going to match any of those that you can find in Cancun, Bali, or even in Miami. So this is definitely one of those towns that you are going to enjoy going and seeing because it will allow you to have a great time and enjoy your vacation.

Mar del Plata Beaches

What About The Rest Of The Cities?

Well, Argentina is a beautiful country and it is definitely one you are going to enjoy as well. This is when you need to realize that we could not cover all the cities because there are literally so many for us to go over. Since this was the case, I had to stop because I know you want to go on with your life and enjoy things as well. With this being the case you will like the fact that we have covered a lot of the cities that I personally love and think you will enjoy as well. I do want to cover more of these in the future. However, for now, you need to get out and start traveling today!

Other Valuable Links

Do you want to explore more of Argentina? Check out the Argentina travel page.

Need to learn even more about South America? If you do then visit our South American travel page.


By Camila