silhouette of trees near Aurora Borealis at night
Photo by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Vincent Guth</a> on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Unsplash</a>

Are you ready for a breathtaking experience that will leave you in awe of nature’s beauty? Have you ever dreamt of witnessing the mesmerizing dance of colorful lights in the night sky? Well, look no further because this traveler’s guide is here to help you embark on an unforgettable adventure – exploring the Northern Lights in Iceland!

Northern Lights in Iceland
Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

Table of Contents

If you have ever seen pictures of the Northern Lights, you probably understand why they are such a coveted phenomenon to witness. The incredible display of vibrant colors dancing across the dark night sky is truly a sight to behold. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to plan your trip to Iceland and increase your chances of witnessing this awe-inspiring natural wonder. From the best times of the year to visit, to the ideal locations, and even tips on capturing the perfect photograph, we’ve got you covered. So, pack your warmest clothes, charge your camera, and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

What are the Northern Lights?

The phenomenon of the Northern Lights

The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, are a natural phenomenon that occurs in the polar regions. They are mesmerizing displays of colorful lights dancing across the night sky, creating a truly awe-inspiring spectacle. The lights can appear in various forms, including vibrant greens, pinks, and purples, and are often accompanied by swirling patterns that seem to paint the heavens with their ethereal beauty.

The scientific explanation behind the Northern Lights

The Northern Lights are caused by solar particles colliding with gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. When the sun releases a burst of charged particles, known as the solar wind, they travel towards Earth. As these particles enter the Earth’s magnetic field, they interact with oxygen and nitrogen molecules, causing them to become excited. When the excited molecules return to their normal state, they release energy in the form of light, creating the shimmering lights of the Northern Lights.

Why is Iceland a great destination for viewing the Northern Lights?

Iceland’s location and geographical advantages

Iceland’s close proximity to the Arctic Circle makes it an ideal destination for viewing the Northern Lights. Its position on the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean provides clear, dark skies that are essential for experiencing the lights in their full glory. Additionally, Iceland’s rugged and diverse landscape, which includes vast open spaces and picturesque mountains, offers perfect vantage points for witnessing this natural phenomenon.

The ideal time of year to visit Iceland for viewing the Northern Lights

The best time to visit Iceland for viewing the Northern Lights is from late September to mid-April. During these months, the nights are long and dark, providing ample opportunities for the lights to shine brightly. It is important to note that weather conditions and solar activity play a significant role in the visibility of the Northern Lights, so checking the aurora forecasts and being flexible with your travel plans is essential for maximizing your chances of seeing this extraordinary display.

Preparing for your trip to Iceland

Booking your flights and accommodations

When planning your trip to Iceland, it is advisable to book your flights and accommodations well in advance, especially during the peak Northern Lights season. Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, serves as a convenient base for exploring the country’s natural wonders and offers a wide range of accommodations to suit every budget. Alternatively, you may choose to stay in more remote areas, away from light pollution, for a truly immersive Northern Lights experience.

Planning your itinerary for Northern Lights viewing

It is essential to plan your itinerary around the Northern Lights, keeping in mind that patience and flexibility are key. While the lights can be visible from various locations in Iceland, it is recommended to venture away from the city lights to increase your chances of witnessing the full splendor of the auroras. Consider including destinations such as the Golden Circle, Vatnajökull National Park, or the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in your itinerary for a memorable Northern Lights viewing experience.

Choosing the best viewing spots in Iceland

Iceland offers numerous popular locations for viewing the Northern Lights. One such place is the Thingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its stunning landscapes and historical significance. The park provides unobstructed views of the night sky, making it an ideal spot for capturing the Northern Lights on camera. Other popular spots include the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, Landmannalaugar, and the Westfjords region.

Off-the-beaten-path spots for a unique experience

For those seeking a more intimate and unique Northern Lights experience, venturing off the beaten path is highly recommended. The remote region of Snæfellsnes, with its mystical landscapes and eerie lava fields, offers a sense of solitude and tranquility that perfectly complements the aurora’s magical display. Húsavík, a charming town in northern Iceland known for its whale-watching opportunities, also provides excellent chances of spotting the lights without the crowds.

Understanding the weather conditions

The role of weather in observing the Northern Lights

Weather conditions play a crucial role in the visibility of the Northern Lights. Clear, cloudless skies are essential for witnessing this natural phenomenon, as clouds can obstruct the view of the lights. Monitoring the weather forecast closely, both for the general conditions and cloud coverage, will help you plan your outings accordingly. It is important to be prepared for changing weather conditions and have appropriate clothing to keep warm while waiting for the lights to appear.

Tools and apps for tracking weather and aurora forecasts

To assist in tracking the weather and aurora forecasts, several tools and apps can be invaluable resources for Northern Lights enthusiasts. Websites such as the Icelandic Met Office provide up-to-date weather forecasts, including cloud cover and visibility ratings. Additionally, apps like Aurora Forecast and Aurora Alerts can send notifications to your phone when the conditions are favorable for observing the Northern Lights, ensuring you never miss a chance to witness this breathtaking phenomenon.

Photographing the Northern Lights

Essential equipment and camera settings

Capturing the beauty of the Northern Lights on camera requires some essential equipment and camera settings. A sturdy tripod is essential for keeping your camera steady during long exposure shots. A wide-angle lens, with a fast aperture of at least f/2.8, allows you to capture a broader perspective of the night sky. Manually setting your camera to a high ISO, a long shutter speed, and adjusting the white balance to daylight will help capture the vibrant colors and intricate details of the auroras.

Tips for capturing stunning photographs of the Northern Lights

To ensure you capture stunning photographs of the Northern Lights, it is important to consider a few tips. Firstly, arrive early at your chosen location to set up your equipment and find the perfect composition. Experiment with different exposure times and bracket your shots to capture a range of variations. It is also recommended to shoot in RAW format for maximum flexibility during post-processing. Finally, don’t forget to take a moment to enjoy the spectacle with your own eyes before focusing solely on capturing it through the lens.

Guided tours and packages

Benefits of joining a guided tour for Northern Lights viewing

Joining a guided tour for Northern Lights viewing offers several benefits for travelers. Expert guides can provide valuable insights into the phenomenon, its cultural significance, and the science behind it. They have extensive knowledge of the best locations for witnessing the Northern Lights and can navigate the ever-changing weather conditions to maximize your chances of seeing them. Additionally, many tours offer the convenience of transportation, ensuring you can focus solely on enjoying the experience.

Factors to consider when choosing a tour or package

When choosing a tour or package for Northern Lights viewing, there are several factors to consider. Group size is an important aspect, as smaller groups provide a more personalized experience, allowing for more interaction with the guide and fellow travelers. It is also worth considering the duration of the tour, the inclusion of extra activities or stops, and the flexibility in changing locations based on the weather conditions. Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights in making an informed decision.

Experiencing the local culture and attractions

Exploring Iceland’s unique culture and traditions

While the Northern Lights are undoubtedly the highlight of any trip to Iceland, exploring the country’s unique culture and traditions is also a must. Icelandic folklore, with its tales of elves and mythical creatures, adds an extra layer of enchantment to your journey. Visit the iconic Hallgrímskirkja Church in Reykjavík, indulge in traditional Icelandic cuisine like fermented shark, or relax in the geothermal hot springs of the Blue Lagoon for a truly authentic Icelandic experience.

Other attractions and activities to enjoy during your visit

Iceland offers a plethora of other attractions and activities that can be enjoyed alongside your Northern Lights adventure. Take a road trip along the Ring Road, marveling at the country’s stunning waterfalls such as Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss. Explore the otherworldly landscapes of the Vatnajökull Glacier or witness the power of geothermal activity at the geysers in the Haukadalur Valley. With its rich natural beauty and diverse range of activities, Iceland is a traveler’s paradise.

Safety tips for Northern Lights viewing

Staying safe in the cold and remote locations

When embarking on your Northern Lights adventure, it is important to prioritize safety. The Icelandic weather can be unpredictable, especially in remote locations, so ensure you are properly dressed for the cold conditions. Dress in layers, including thermal clothing, and wear sturdy waterproof boots to keep your feet warm and dry. It is also advisable to bring a waterproof and windproof jacket, gloves, a hat, and a scarf to protect yourself from the elements.

Preparing for emergencies and unpredictable situations

In remote areas, it is crucial to be prepared for emergencies and unpredictable situations. Carry a fully charged mobile phone with emergency numbers readily available. Inform someone about your itinerary and expected return time, especially if you plan to venture far from populated areas. It is also recommended to bring a first aid kit, extra food, water, and blankets, as well as a GPS device or offline maps, should you need assistance or encounter unexpected challenges.

Tips for maximizing your chances of seeing the Northern Lights

Increasing your odds of witnessing the Northern Lights

While the Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon and cannot be guaranteed, there are several ways to increase your chances of seeing them. Research the aurora forecasts and choose a time when solar activity is high. Opt for multiple nights in Iceland to have more opportunities for clear skies and potential aurora sightings. Be patient and dedicated, as the lights can sometimes take time to make an appearance. Most importantly, keep a positive mindset and remember that the journey itself is an adventure worth undertaking.

Tips for patience and persistence

Patience and persistence are key traits when it comes to chasing the Northern Lights. There may be nights when the lights don’t appear as vividly as you anticipated, but don’t let that discourage you. Embrace the experience of being under the night sky, gazing at the countless stars, and soaking in the peacefulness of nature. Even if you don’t witness the lights on your first try, continue to explore Iceland’s fascinating landscapes and immerse yourself in the local culture. The Northern Lights will reward your patience when the time is right.

Responsible Northern Lights tourism

Minimizing your impact on the environment

As visitors, it is important to practice responsible tourism to minimize our impact on the environment. Respect designated paths and trails, ensuring you don’t disturb fragile ecosystems. Avoid leaving any trash behind and dispose of waste properly. Follow guidelines on wildlife encounters, ensuring you maintain a safe distance and do not disturb or feed the local animals. By being mindful of our actions, we can help preserve Iceland’s pristine nature for future generations to enjoy.

Respecting local customs and regulations

Respecting local customs and regulations is essential when visiting Iceland. Abide by the country’s rules and regulations, including restrictions on drone usage and off-road driving, to protect the environment and ensure the safety of yourself and others. Familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions, such as removing your shoes when entering someone’s home or properly greeting locals with a friendly “Góðan daginn” or “Hello.” By embracing local customs, you can forge meaningful connections and have a richer cultural experience.

Budgeting for your Northern Lights trip

Estimating costs for accommodations, transportation, and activities

Budgeting for your Northern Lights trip involves estimating costs for accommodations, transportation, and activities. Accommodation options in Iceland range from budget-friendly hostels to luxury hotels and unique guesthouses. Consider whether you will rent a car or rely on public transportation to explore the country. The cost of activities, such as guided tours or entry fees to attractions, should also be factored into your budget. Research and compare prices to find the best options that suit your travel style.

Tips for saving money without compromising on experience

While Iceland may have a reputation for being an expensive destination, there are ways to save money without compromising on your experience. Opt for self-catering accommodations or grocery shopping for meals, as dining out can be costly. Take advantage of free attractions and natural wonders that Iceland has to offer, such as hiking trails and waterfalls. Consider traveling during the shoulder season, when prices may be lower, and tourist crowds are reduced. By being mindful of your expenses, you can enjoy a memorable Northern Lights trip within your budget.

Alternative destinations for viewing the Northern Lights

Other countries and regions with opportunities to see the Northern Lights

While Iceland is renowned for its Northern Lights displays, there are other countries and regions that offer opportunities to witness this natural wonder. Finland, particularly the Lapland region, is a popular choice, known for its snowy landscapes and cozy accommodations such as glass igloos, providing uninterrupted views of the lights. Norway’s Tromsø and Sweden’s Abisko National Park are also well-regarded destinations for Northern Lights enthusiasts, each offering unique experiences and breathtaking views.

Comparing and contrasting different destinations

When choosing a destination for viewing the Northern Lights, it is important to compare and contrast what each location has to offer. Consider factors such as accessibility, accommodation options, and the overall experience beyond just the lights themselves. Iceland’s diverse landscapes, with its waterfalls, glaciers, and geothermal features, offer a unique backdrop for witnessing the phenomenon. The combination of natural wonders and cultural experiences makes Iceland an unparalleled destination for those seeking a complete Northern Lights adventure.


Reflecting on the awe-inspiring beauty of the Northern Lights, it is clear why Iceland is a top choice for travelers seeking this magical experience. From its prime location and dark skies to its unique culture and diverse landscapes, Iceland offers the perfect setting for witnessing the captivating dance of the auroras. By preparing accordingly, choosing the best viewing spots, understanding weather conditions, and maximizing your chances, you can embark on an unforgettable journey under the celestial lights. Remember to appreciate the moment, immerse yourself in the local culture, and practice responsible tourism to ensure the preservation of this extraordinary natural wonder.
