Bali Attractions – Make A Memorable Bali Vacation

Bali is one of those areas that you may have seen or even heard about, but never really considered what you can do at the location. Now this normally would not present any issues, but when you are traveling you want to feel the area and immerse yourself in all that you can related to the region. This is why you need to know about the attractions in a region before you make your vacation plan and what we are going to share with you today is some of the main attractions that you need to see when you are in Bali. Doing this will make your trip complete, but also allows you to experience the culture in a way that you never imagined you would before.

What Made Us Pick These Attractions? 

Face it Bali has plenty of attractions or sites that you would want to go out and see. However, what you need to realize is the work that we did made us fall in love with even more of the attractions and this made it nearly impossible for us to do our job and sort through all of the attractions without wanting to list them all! With a lot of hard work and going back and forth with the family, we finally managed to nail down our list and this makes it easier for you to feel comfortable with the attractions that we have selected as they are the one that the entire family was able to settle down on.

Tanah Lot

Tanah LotThe Tanah Lot is more of an island temple that is located close to [popup_product]Bali[/popup_product]. Now the island temple is not really connected with the region, but it is definitely a place that you are going to fall in love with because it also makes for a beautiful backdrop for pictures and it has quite a bit of significance because of the way that it has worked out in the past as a religious symbol for the people. Now the location is very popular with tourist because of the beautiful backdrops that are present for the temple and the way that it sits off on the little rock island that looks so close that you could reach out and touch.

When you are looking at Tanah Lot, you need to realize the location does have quite a few tours that will take you out to it. However, because of the religious significance the temple holds you should show respect and be mindful of this aspect. So all that we ask if you do take the tour to listen to the guides closely and keep an eye on everything that he is telling you to help preserve the religious significance the location has had for so many people in the past and even currently.

A key point is to make sure you are at the Tanah Lot temple location on the island of Bali around sunset. This is the key time for you to get the perfect pictures as this location is well noted for having the perfect sunsets and picture opportunities that you normally would never get to see anywhere else.

Ubud Monkey Forest

Ubud Monkey Forest MonkeyIf you watch television at all you have seen the blooper movies of the monkeys taking things from people and running off from them. What you may not realize is some of those movies are from this location. The Ubud Monkey Forest is named that because of the monkeys that are inhabiting the region. The location literally has hundreds if not more because of the monkeys, really they are a wide range of monkey animals, but they are still very important.

What else is interesting is the fact these monkeys and the region play a spiritual role in the region as well. The village the monkey forest is located in actually treat them as a spiritual aid to the village, but also have the temple in the region the monkeys like to use as well. Something else that is enjoyable is the fact these monkeys are going to be some of the ones that you will find interesting because they are going to be the ones that help the village of Padangtegal out economically as well. So all of these factors combined definitely make this one of those stops that you have to make. If nothing else just getting to see the monkeys that are running around and playing will make this part of the trip well worth stopping here.

Check out the Ubud Monkey Forest on Facebook.

Uluwatu Temple

Uluwatu Temple in BaliThis is another temple that is present in Bali, are you noticing a trend yet? However, this temple is often considered the sad temple. What is really interesting is the fact this temple has been around since the 11th century and has been expanded over the years. It is also another sea temple as it is built on a rocky outcropping that has managed to survive quite a bit of the weathering storms that have been hitting the region. So this will make it a very nice place to have the views that you want of the sea, but also to know that this is a place that is sacred yet again to the people of Bali so please be respectful of what you are doing here.

When you are here you need to realize the Uluwatu Temple has been taken over by monkeys as well. Yes, another place that is full of monkeys so if you are scared of monkeys I recommend looking at some of the other attractions like the beaches. These monkeys are another group that you have seen stealing items from the visitors. The good news is these monkeys have been able to be persuaded to giving the items back, but it is only if you have some fruit to trade with them. If you do not have the fruit you may end up having to do something else to get the items back. The other downside is this persuasion usually only encourages the monkeys to take more things to get more food.

Bali Surf And Marine Park

Surf and Marine Park in BaliThis is a place that will put you on the adventure you want to have with the wildlife you long to see. The Bali Surf and Marine Park is an extension of the Taman Safari, which is a reputable location. However, what you really will love is the fact this is going to allow you to have a great trip and at an affordable price as well. All of this in turn makes it nice because you finally get to see the animals and in the safety of the tour buses so you can easily have some of the animals coming right up to the windows so you can see them even closer.

Including the animals, which come from only 3 regions of the planet you will notice they have a replica of the Indian fort from Rajasthan. In this area you will see the white tigers roaming. However, if you go down just a little bit further you will have a chance to see the majestic elephants roaming around. Now the surf part is cool as well because you have a chance to see some of the beautiful sea life that you normally would not have a chance to see in the aquarium. Some of those include the beautiful sharks that you would not want to be around, but with them contained in the aquarium you feel safer and do not mind seeing.

Bali Bird Park

d ParkBali ParkBali Bird Park is a destination you will like because you have a chance to see over 250 different species of birds. However, what you need to realize is this is located at the Gianyar Regency and that can make it even easier for you to find because a lot of people will know where one of these two places are. This way you can easily get to the location, but also have a chance to explore the location. It is important to note that the location will no longer allow tickets purchased at the reptile park to be used as these two entities have since separated and are considered different.

What is really nice is the aviary is one that you are inside of the place all the time and it is enclosed. This makes it easier for you to spot the birds, but also have a chance to enjoy seeing the birds flying around and know they are going to be safe and protected from any harm. All told, the number of birds, which is over a 1000 and the species will make this a great place for you to go to and know you will have a great trip that allows you to see some of the unique birds that are only seen in the region. Without this, you could have some problems in getting to enjoy the region because you are not seeing the birds that you would expect to see in an exotic land.

Follow the Bali Bird Park On Twitter.

Touch base with the Bali Bird Park On Facebook.

Dreamland Beach

Dreamland Beach in BaliNow, we could not leave you without experiencing one of the beaches in Bali. Yes, we do love all the beaches, but Dreamland Beach really pulls our heart strings and makes us love the place even more. This is a beach that is located on the Bukit Peninsula, but it is also one of those beaches that will remind you that you are in paradise and this is something you will like to see because of the beauty of the beach. What is even better is the fact the beach will provide you with plenty of opportunity to see and do everything that you have dreamed of.

What you will like about Dreamland Beach is the beautiful water, but you do need to be careful because the location is well known for a sharp break off from the shore. So you need to be careful about this or you could find yourself going into water that is deeper than what you expected because of the way the breakoff happens. The beach does have some of the basic accommodations you would expect, but it also has a little cafe so you do not have to sacrifice your precious spot on the beach for your lunch. Overall, this is a great beach to go to and be able to enjoy everything that you would want to have.

Is This All The Bali Attractions? 

Heck no, this is far from all the attractions you can find in [popup_product]Bali[/popup_product]. We will attempt to cover more of these attractions in depth as we go along. However, for now we are going to have to stop here, because you want to get out and enjoy Bali! You do not want to be stuck sitting here reading an article showcasing the attractions. Seriously, go book your flight to Bali, buy your tickets to the attractions, and find out what makes Bali a great place to travel to and be able to enjoy your life as a world traveler! Either way make sure you are ready to be completely immersed in a culture that will amaze you and at the same time pamper you.

Need to learn more about Bali? View our Bali travel page.

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By Wayan