7 Best Attractions In Cincinnati For Kids
Cincinnati is an amazing city and once you have been to the city once it is very easy to see why it is considered the Queen City. However, if you are like a lot of people traveling with your kids is very important to allow for family connections, but also to let everyone have a good time with each other. When you reach a new city, though, you may notice it can be very difficult to figure out where you should go with your kids. Now, I will admit some of these attractions are more of the suburbs area, but they are definitely a great place for you to go with your kids and know the kids are going to enjoy themselves. As a parent myself, I know that if the kids are able to enjoy themselves, then the parents will too.
How Did I Narrow Down The Attractions In Cincinnati
I tried to find the attractions that I know kids enjoy. What else I tried to do was try to figure out if the attractions would be able to keep you and your kids entertained. Not all of the attractions in Cincinnati are kid-friendly so you need to keep that in mind, but I did my best to find the attractions that are family-friendly and will make it easier for you to enjoy the Queen City vacation even more. Something else I did, was try to keep all the attractions in the suburbs or close to Cincinnati’s downtown region as much as possible.
7. Smale Riverfront Park

Depending on the age of your children you could find Smale Riverfront Park to be a great option to check out. The park is great for kids of all ages, but you do need to realize this is a riverfront park and is right on the river so caution should be taken with the younger kids. The park is a great one to check out though as the kids are going to love the fact that it is on 45-acres, but situated between the 2 large sports stadiums in Cincinnati and has the Roebling Suspension Bridge running in the middle of the park. What else can impact the time you come to Smale Riverfront Park is the time of year as it is very oriented towards the summer months.
Now, you could be asking what I mean about the park being geared towards the summer months, well that is actually easy to see once you explore the features of the park. The park has plenty of swings, fountains, and water features for the kids. Obviously, you would not want to use these in the middle of winter so that definitely lends some doubt if the park would be that enjoyable, but it is a nice place to sit and enjoy the river traffic in winter. During summer, though, you can find the park is very enjoyable and oriented towards the kids.
6. Fountain Square
Fountain Square is in the middle of downtown Cincinnati and for a lot of people it is the symbol of the city. However, what you will find is this is a great attraction to bring your kids to. The fountain is in the middle of the sidewalk and it has plenty of seats for you to sit down and enjoy the running water that is found with a fountain. Now, something else that you are going to find enjoyable is the square tends to have plenty of dining options close by. Some of these dining options are kid friendly and others are going to be more along the lines of food trucks. All of these are going to help you in getting to guarantee your kids have a great meal.
During winter, you are going to love the fact that this is the location of the Macy’s Christmas tree and if you are in Cincinnati during the winter months this is the place that has the skating rink as well. What else you can enjoy is the fact the city does a lot of events around the square and because it is such a popular destination in Cincinnati the police protection as well as fire protection is quite a bit higher than what you would expect to see in other parts of the city.
5. Cincinnati Reds Museum & Hall Of Fame
The first professional baseball team is the Cincinnati Reds and they definitely have plenty of history to enjoy. However, what you should realize is the team has a newer stadium and when they had the stadium built they added in a lot of features to the stadium that you never would have thought about. From the smokestacks that are in center field that recalls the river and the impact it had on the city. Not to mention, when the Reds do hit a home run, which I hope changes this year some, the smoke stacks do shoot fireworks out of them. What else the Reds had added in was a restaurant that has some great food and is very nice place to eat with a great view of the stadium and games.
Now, I talked about some of the features you can find at this location, but one that is open pretty much year round is the Cincinnati Reds museum and Hall of Fame. This is one location that you are going to love because you can learn about the history of the game of baseball, but also learn more about how it shaped the city and started to get the game to develop into the nation’s past time for so many years.
4. Entertrainment Junction
Entertainment Junction is a Cincinnati attraction that is actually located in the suburbs and that is definitely something that kids are sure to love in Cincinnati.The location is one that you are going to enjoy because the amount of trains you get to see and the way they are laid out is going to be one of the best places for your kids to enjoy. What is even better is this location is constantly adding onto the attraction and with the specific holidays that happen they tend to adjust to the holidays as well.
A key focus that you will have with Entertrainment Junction is the Thomas displays they have. When you consider how popular Thomas is with the kids anymore, it is easy to see this could be one of the best places for you to take your kids. Now, some of the older kids may find some of the location to be boring, but it can be a great way for you to see some of the beautiful trains and layouts that they never would have seen before.
3. Khron’s Conservatory And Eden Park
Finding some great plants in the middle of Cincinnati. However, what you should consider is the Conservatory that is located in Eden Park. The Conservatory has plenty of plants for you to take in and it is definitely going to make it easier for you to get the chance to see a lot of different plants that you have never seen before. What is really nice about this location is it has plenty of variety for you to explore and it is going to only take a couple of hours to go through the conservatory.
Eden Park is actually the home to Khron’s Conservatory. The park is going to make it easier for you to have a great trip if you visit in the summer months. Like most parks in winter it does not have a lot to see, but when you are in Cincinnati in the summer months you should check out Eden Park and definitely need to look at Mirror Lake. Not to mention the park is a very popular destination that allows you to have some stunning views of the city and located not far from what people would consider Eden Park proper is a great children’s playground. The history that you find in Eden Park is definitely something to consider as well if you want to teach your kids a little bit about the city and see some of the historical markers you can find in the city like those in the picture here.
2. Kings Island
Kings Island is a great place for kids of all ages to go to. From the younger kids to the adults who want to be young, you will find Kings Island has plenty for everyone to do. The park is a theme park and it is another place that is located about 20 minutes maybe 30 minutes outside of downtown, but if traffic is cooperating it is very easy for you to get to the theme park, which is located almost right across from the tennis center that host the Western and Southern tennis tournament each year. However, this is a theme park so make sure you bring your wallet as it can be a little bit on the pricey side and may not fit your travel budget.
Now, what is great about Kings Island is they do have a water feature that makes it easier for you to stand the summer heat.What else is nice about the location is they have a wide range of roller coasters for you to enjoy, but has plenty of other rides and items for the younger kids as well. The main draw for my kids, though, is the water park which is definitely worth the price of admission and if you have younger kids they will love parts of the area that are actually geared towards them.
1. Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens are easily one of the best attractions you can find in Cincinnati. The place has plenty of animals for you to check out, but the Zoo has plenty of other things for you to do as well. One of my favorites to do here and I know it will be one of yours as well is to take a ride on the train. The train, is great for kids, but it wraps around the interior of the zoo and allows you to see quite a few of the exhibits from a completely different view point. Not only that when you go around the pound or lake area, depends what you want to consider it as the location is one that is very beautiful and going to be one that you can love because of the waterfowl that are on the lake and pond.
In addition to the animals, you find at a lot of zoos, the Cincinnati Zoo has several educational programs they run and depending on the time of year you visit it is very easy for you to have a great time because you can catch the Cheetahs running, the amazing and beautiful Fiona the Hippo, but also have a chance to explore the gardens as well and see plants that you may have never heard of before. At least I know that I have not heard of some of these plants before.
How To Pick Among The Cincinnati Attractions For Kids
Cincinnati is a great city and has plenty going for it. However, what you will notice when you travel to Cincinnati with your kids it can be very difficult to find the best attractions to check out, until you start to look harder at what you can do. That is why I decided it was time to come out with my list of the attractions that I love in Cincinnati and I am sure your kids will love as well. Once you know about these attractions, it is rather easy for you to see that Cincinnati is a kid-friendly location and one you are sure to love. It all starts, though, by learning about the 7 best Cincinnati attractions for kids.