5 Best Attractions In Jaipur For Tourist

5 Best Attractions In Jaipur

5 Best Attractions In Jaipur For TouristWhen you are trying to figure out what to do in Jaipur you will often start to look on the Internet or even at a local travel agency. However, if you are trying to plan out where you are going to go in India before you have made up your mind, then it will generally mean checking out the Internet. I know that is what I would do and I am sure that everyone else would do the same thing as well. So, I was asked to provide a list of the 5 best attractions in Jaipur for tourist to enjoy. I will tell you this was quite a bit more of a challenge than what I thought it would be because the city, which is called the Pink City at times, literally has so many different things for you to see and do that it amazes me how anyone can take a vacation here and claim they have seen everything when it is fairly obvious to me that you would be missing out on quite a bit. What is even worse is I could only make the list five Jaipur attractions deep so I can tell you that there is quite a bit more to do and see. I did try to keep this mainly more of a family-friendly type of attractions because I am sure a lot of the tourist will want to go out with the family and be able to experience all of these beautiful places with the family.


5. Elefantastic

Now, for a lot of people they are going to find the Elefantastic adventure to be one that they are going to love. This is a  place that is going to have elephants that you are going to enjoy and be able to interact with. Unlike a lot of the zoos you may see in America, this is a place that allows you to interact closer to these elephants than what you ever imagined possible. What is really cool is you can see the respect to the animals by the guy who owns them, Rahul. However this just shows to you what can happen with the animals when they are treated properly and how they can be so kind to you and everyone that they are going to come across.

4. Johari Bazaar

Well, I have to admit I did not really want to put this in the list, but when I started to look at the family and seen what all the kids and everyone else liked it was shopping. Yes, the history and temples are nice, but it is boring for some people after a short time period. So I decided to include one of the most famous bazaars in Jaipur and that is the Johari Bazaar. This is a place that has almost everything that you would want to have in an Indian market, but if you are trying to stay away from the forts, temples, and palaces this is definitely one of the top things of what to do in Jaipur to ensure you are going to have a great trip.

3. Galtaji Temple – The Monkey Temple

This is a place that has managed to be a spot for people to come back and reflect on their life and meditate for years. However, the temple is one that a lot of people have fallen in  love with as this temple is built into the narrow crevices that are in the area. So this is definitely an attraction you will enjoy for this fact. At the same time, you will like the fact this temple does have something that you normally would not see. That is the monkeys that have helped to make this temple one of the most famous ones for you to go out and see. The monkeys are usually friendly, but like any of the wildlife you would see you do not want to go running up and trying to grab one of them like some people have been known to do in the past.

2. Hawa Mahal

When you are looking for some of the pinkish red buildings that have made Jaipur famous, you will want to check out Hawa Mahal. This place is made out of the red and pink sandstones in the area and it is definitely a site to see as they are going to have plenty of things for you to enjoy here. The palace sits towards the edge of the royal palace in Jaipur. Sometimes you will notice this place is called the palace of the breeze as well. That is the way the place was built and it is definitely a place that you are going to enjoy for that. What is really interesting is the fact this was mainly built for the princesses to see what was going on in the city down below.

1. Amer Fort

The Amer Fort is located in the Amer region, but it is definitely going to be a place that will be attractive to a lot of people. The walls are very tall here and it will make you wonder what the opposing armies would have thought when they were coming up to face this fort in battle. What is great about this fort, which is about 11 kilometres from the city proper is the fact that it sits on top of the hill. This really makes it stand out and also makes it easier for you to see the fort and see it from an imposing distance. What is really interesting about this place is the fact that it has a lot of the Hindu art qualities to it that you are going to love to see here and explore.

Now Travel To Jaipur And Have Fun! 

When you are looking at Jaipur, you will have some idea on what you can see and do. However, you will also know that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I could literally list off hundreds of other attractions for you to see, but I will say my editors here told me that would be overkill and could be used in the future for articles. So I will just say you will not be disappointed as I know that I have not been disappointed in producing this article for you. No matter what, you need to realize this is just the 5 best attractions in Jaipur that I could come across. I am sure you could find quite a few other attractions you would want to see and enjoy on your own or if my editors let me in future articles here.

