Traveling To Brussels

Find The Best Attractions In Brussels – What Can You See In Brussels

Traveling To BrusselsBrussels is a beautiful city and definitely one you should put on your holiday plans, but if you know about the best attractions in Brussels it will be very easy for you to find out more about why you should be visiting Belgium, but more importantly the beautiful area of Brussels. Even if you are unable to hit up all the things that we have for you to see when you are traveling to Brussels, you will want to make sure you try to check out a couple of them because they are simply amazing and definitely something you are going to want to know about. However, you need to realize this is just the tip of the iceberg on what you can do because we are going to cover more about the hotels, restaurants, in-depth reviews of the attractions, and even explore the other things about what you can see in Brussels while you are traveling to this beautiful city that I completely love.

How Did I Narrow Down The Best Attractions In Brussels

Well, I have to say that I did a lot of work on the attractions that I was looking for to help you have a great vacation in Brussels. That was a challenge for a variety of reasons and definitely something that I was looking into because I definitely want everyone who comes to the area to have a great vacation or holiday. No matter what, the first thing that I did was tried to figure out if the attractions were family friendly or if they were an attraction that you could only go into as an adult. With all of that being said, I hope that I did find a good blend of the attractions you are going to like and know they are going to provide you with the journey you have dreamed of going on before. What else I did is try to find some free things to do in Brussels, fun things to do in Brussels, but also things to do in Brussels at night. All of these combined are what made my list what it is and I really hope you do enjoy the list because it was a lot of fun compiling for all of you.

Grand Place

What Can You See In BrusselsThe Grand Place is an amazing place in the city and it is definitely going to be one of those centerpieces that you have to go and see. While you may think the Grand Place will not really be that impressive, because after all, it is just the town square, you should realize this is a place that has some of the best historic buildings around the town square with most of these buildings dating back from the 17th-century. So this is definitely going to make it something that is going to be amazing about the product for you to look forward to. What else is great about this location is the fact the square is very ornately decorated.

Now, one thing that I am asked is when is the best time to go to the Grand Place. Well, I have to reply that it really depends on what you are looking for. If you want to see the amazing light show that has made the Grand Place famous, then I would recommend making this one of those attractions you would see at night time. I will let you know this place does get crowded at night because the light show is so popular for everyone to see. However, if you want to take some time out of your day and relax and enjoy the park even more then you may want to consider going to the Grand Place during the day. The daytime the location is not as crowded, but also tends to allow you to see some of the details you are wanting to see. What else is great is this place is a very family friendly location and if you are here during Christmas makes it easier for you to see the beautiful Christmas tree and a nativity scene.

Saint Michael and Saint Gudula Cathedral

Saint Michael and Saint Gudula CathedralYou may have told yourself that you are never going to set foot in a church again, but I have to tell you if you are in Brussels you will need to make sure you check out the cathedral here. What is really nice is the tour does not really take long as it usually will only take about an hour out of your trip. However, the location is a great way to go out and see some of the beauty you would like to see as well of the older cathedrals that you may have seen in some of the books and always been saying, I want to see that place or this place, but then arrive and the crowds are out of this world. With this cathedral you will find the crowds are not that bad, but also the place has some of the old world charms that I always hear people bringing up.

When you are here the best things you will want to see is the older pipe organ. Yes, a pipe organ is an amazing thing to see and hear, but it also makes it easier for you to have some enjoyable music as well. What else is great is the artwork that is present in the stain glass windows here. This glass will make it easier for you to see how the Bible is being told in art here and see the value of how the glass is a great teaching tool for people who were unable to really read at the time in the past. Throw in the Stations of the Cross and you have a church that is well laid out to teach people and really help them learn about everything the Bible has inside of it and help them understand the promises of the Bible.

Royal Museum Of The Armed Forces and Military History

Traveling To BrusselsI have to admit military history is one thing that I have always loved to read about, but also learning about as well. I have found the old saying of if you do not know your history it will repeat itself to be very true. That is why going to some of the different museums that cover the history of military and other aspects of warfare from weapons to technology is so amusing to me. With that being said the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History is a place that will take you through the past 10 centuries of weapons with a variety of displays from the latest items that you can view to some of the older pieces of armor that would have protected the knights and kings in battle.

When you are here you will want to make sure you have a couple of hours planned to stay in the location. That is because this is a location that will take you at least that long to get through the location and see all the replicas of items and even the originals. What is really amazing is the stories of the Belgian military, which is not as in-depth as some of the other nations, like France, but it is definitely an interesting history for you to read about and look back on because Belgium does have a storied military past.

Woluwe Shopping Center

With Brussels, you know as well as I do that the weather is not guaranteed to be sunny and hot like you would get in the Sahara Desert. Sometimes you will end up getting rain when you are traveling to Brussels and I have to say this can easily ruin your vacation, but if you are in town during the winter you may even find the cold weather and snow to be a downer. This is when you should realize not all of the trip is lost as you can easily find your way to one of, what I feel, is the best shopping malls in Belgium and that is the Woluwe Shopping Center.

At the Woluwe Shopping Center, you will find it is going to be compared to a lot of the malls you would find throughout the world. However, the shops are going to be selling all the goods for the world you would want to have, but also a lot of items you can get from Belgium only and this will make it easier for you to have a great number of items to send back to your family or friends if you are planning on getting them any gifts.

Atomium And Mini-Europe

Atomium and Mini-Europe are two separate attractions in Brussels, but I have decided to put them together here at the same time. That is because they are located in pretty much the same area and a lot of times you will be able to get a combination ticket for these unusual things to do Brussels. However, these are going to be something you will enjoy because it is going to be a great way to explore at the same time. I will cover both of these in their own separate paragraph here.

Atomium is a place that is an icon in the city that you cannot really miss. The location is one that has been around since the Worlds Fair was in Brussels in 1958. However, it is one that has drawn the attention of people from all over the world because of the way it looks and how it is laid out. I will warn you, since this the main icon in the city, it is also the most popular tourist destination in Europes Capital city. So you will definitely be expected to see quite a bit in the way of crowds.

Mini-Europe is a place you will like because it is going to allow you to see all the sites and sounds of Europe, without leaving Brussels. The great part about this city is the fact that all the main attractions from all over the globe are here in 1/25th scale. So they do not take up a lot of space, but you will also find yourself having a chance to look at the Eiffel Tower at eye level, instead of having to look up and break your neck. This is definitely a must see when you are in the region.

Bois de la Cambre

With this being compared to one of the most famous parks in the world, Central Park in New York, it is easy to see why this is a park that you must go and see. The place is in the middle of Belgium and is easily one of the most relaxing spots you can enjoy. The park has trails that wrap around the inside of the park, but also with the central location in the city will make it very easy for you to have a meeting spot with your friends who may live in Belgium or you are meeting up with for the day.

Now, one thing I definitely recommend doing is taking the boat ride across to the island. The boat ride may not seem like much since it is only about a minute long, but it is definitely going to be worth it because the island does have a restaurant on it that makes some amazing food. So I would definitely recommend taking the time to go to the island, plus this gives you a chance to immerse yourself in with the locals who have a tendency to know about the island but keep it a little bit of a secret.

What About Other Attractions In Brussels

Well, I have to say that Brussels has plenty of other attractions for you to visit, but it would literally take me thousands of words to just write out the names, let alone tell you why you should be traveling to Brussels to see them. That is why I will be doing more attractions in a future post. This way you will have a good set of attractions to go and see, but also know which ones I consider the best ones to visit and know more about what you can expect from them. With this being the case it is very important for you to know about the best attractions in Brussels, which will make it easier for you to plan your trip to beautiful Brussels.


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