Paris Attractions – What To See In Paris

Paris Skyline at NiightGoing to Paris is amazing, but only if you know about the attractions in Paris you can visit and enjoy, no matter what the weather is doing outside. Now, you may think I am talking about only getting into the attractions that are indoors since the rain can play a role in your holiday plans. However, this is not the case and in fact, I am talking about all the attractions you can visit in Paris because even in the rain you will find plenty to do in Paris even the attractions that you thought were only going to be meant for the rainy days or sunny days. No matter, what these attractions are some of the best things for you to see and experience in Paris to enhance your holiday and view of Paris to a level you never imagined possible before. We may even try to touch on one of the most unusual things to do in Paris.

How Did I Work On The Attractions In Paris

Well, I have to admit that Paris does have quite a bit for you to see and enjoy. However, one aspect that I did work on was the normal attractions that everyone seems to enjoy, but also on the aspect of the attractions that are kind of off of the main drag. These can include anything from a park, to a lesser known museum, but also to some of the beautiful sites you can see around Paris and not really have to think about missing out on anything. With that in mind, I have taken the time to figure out which of these are going to work best and this will make it easier for you to have a great Paris holiday and not miss out on anything at all while you are traveling around the city for Romantics.

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower A Paris AttractionThis icon is one that has withstood a couple of wars but also been one of the main attractions for a lot of people to go and visit. What is commonly forgotten before the tower became such an icon was the fact that it was nearly wrecked as the developer of the tower did not have the proper support network in place before he went out and built the tower. The one saving grace for the Eiffel Tower was the fact that there was a couple of wars that happened in Europe and the radio transmissions were being developed and sent to the front lines. At the time, though, the radios were only line of sight. The Eiffel Tower greatly increased the radio power and allowed for the transmission of the radio signals even further.

That was in the past, but it is still used as a way to get the radio transmissions out to everyone in France and television signals as well. Now, the tower is mainly seen as a major tourist attraction and once you see it in person it is very easy to see why this is such a popular place for people to go and visit. However, if you are sacared of heights you will find the tower can be daunting at times, but the view is well worth overcoming your fear of heights because you can have a commanding view of the Paris skyline.

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe is a beautiful place to go, but it does have a hArc de Triompheistory that may not be so happy among people who were opposing Napeolon and his wars. The Arc is a celebration of the victory he had in one of the many battles he fought. In this case, the battle was one in which he was heavily outnumbered and should not have won by all accounts. The best part for France, but not for the rest of Europe was the fact that he did win this battle and it would set off some of the largest wars France had seen in several centuries.

What is amazing about the Arc is the fact that the time it was built it was a new twist on an old concept. The developer took some of the amazing Roman architecture ideas and made them into a French take on the concept. What tourist really love about the location is it is centrally located in Paris, as a tourist landmark that is, but it also has some of the best photo shots for the tourist to take pictures from. Personally, I find their are other landmarks that offer some other amazing and breathtaking photos. However, because this is such a popular destination and one that so many people have fallen in love with I decided to include it in the list of attractions you have to see when you are in Paris.

The Louvre

The Louvre Mona LisaArt lovers will recognize this museum right away just by the name alone. However, what you need to realize is this is going to be one of those museums that will command your attention when you are looking at a place to go and enjoy if Paris is full of rain and it is to much rain for you to do anything outside. I have to admit, the museum, outside of the amazing art works has some of the best architectural works that I have seen from the standpoint of how part of the museums have been laid out and in displays. One of the most amazing pieces of art that is in The Louvre is one of those pieces that was actually a painting the painter never thought would be amazing, but because of the way Da Vinci has it laid out it went from being a very simply work of art to one of amazement for people to enjoy from all over the world.

When you are in the museum, you will notice it is going to have quite a bit in the way of crowds and this can easily lead to you being disappointed. Most of the time, the crowds have a tendency to flock towards the Mona Lisa. If you go to some of the other wings or if you get to the museum very early in the morning with pre-purchased tickets, you will notice you have a better trip. If you go early and have the museum pass already in hand, then I would recommend going and seeing the Mona Lisa. If you do not have this option, then you may have to wait until another time to view this amazing painting.


Sacre Coeur Basilica MinorWhen most people think of the Catholic Church in Paris, they will think of Notre Dame. However, this famous cathedral is not the one that you are going to think about once you learn about Sacre-Coeur, which is another Catholic Church inside of Paris and it is not nearly as famous as Notre Dame. The good point is the designs and layout of the church are definitely something that you are going to love because it is going to be a great item to look at and the way the architecture design of the place. Not to mention the history of the church is amazing and definitely worth looking into when you are here, for the best information I would recommend contacting the Basilica Minor for a tour.

The stain glass windows that are in the church are one of the main draws. While almost all Catholic churches around the world have stain glass windows, it is an eerie type of sensation you get when you are looking at some of the older stain glass windows that have been around for years. These windows have this ability to give you the feeling and if you do not believe me, then you may want to click here to take the virtual tour that is offered on the website so you can see the stain glass windows yourself.


Champs Elysees While this may not be seen as a major attraction for a lot of people, it is definitely a place you will enjoy. The Champs-Elysees has a large number of specialty shops for you to stroll by and visit. However, the restauarnts that are present on the location is something else you will enjoy as well. The place has some amazing views and with it starting near the Arc it is easy to see why this is a great attraction for you to go and visit. What else is great about the place is the fact that it has so many theaters for you to enjoy as well that you are not going to be disappointed in what you find. The only think you could be disappointed in when you are going here is the location has so much for you to do you can easily overlook some of the things you were planning on stopping and doing.

Jardin du Luxembourg – Best Things To Do In Paris

Medici Fountain In ParisThe Jardin du Luxembourg is a very famous garden in Paris and it is definitely a place you will want to stop in and visit. The place has some great views and this definitely makes it very easy for you to look around the park and see everything that is present in the park. I have to admit, out of all the Paris parks and gardens this is definitely among the most beautiful that you can visit. The best part is the park has some history to it as it is going to be over four hundred years old for you to go and visit. This definitely will make the park one of those you can enjoy for the history.

What a lot of people, especially the tourist, tend to overlook is the fact this is the best parks for history and it was made by the Medici family. In fact, Marie Medici in 1612 is the one who came up with the plan for the park and really helped to get the park started. In the middle of the park as one of the main focal points for you to enjoy is the famous Medici fountain. This found is one that has brought quite a few people comfort, but the way it is designed and how it looks is simply out of this world.

Paris Catacombs

Catacombs in ParisThe Paris Catacombs is a place you will like if you want to explore some of the dark side of history, but also have some of the fun things to do in Paris. The downside is you can only take a tour of the catacombs because of the dangers that can be seen in some parts of the catacombs and the fact that some of these have not even been fully explored yet. What else is quite interesting is the catacombs were mainly brought about because they are a connection tunnels between the stone mines that were active under Paris for so many years. So this is definitely something that you are going to want to realize.

Now it is important to note when you are in the Paris Catacombs, which I personally view as one of the main Paris points of interest is the fact that it has the bones of over six million residents inside of it. This has really set this aside as a graveyard combined with the tunnels. The attraction is definitely one you are going to enjoy because it is going to be such an unusual attraction to see that you will be set aside from some of the things you can do and is completely different than what you normally would see. Not to mention the Catacombs are one of those cool things to do in Paris in my book.

Is This All The Attractions In Paris?

Well, I have to say that I wish I could include more attractions in this article, but I know you want to get out and enjoy Paris more than being stuck trying to figure out where you should be going. With that being the case, I had to limit the number of attractions I was going to include in the article. So I definitely will conclude with the fact that there are plenty of additional attractions for you to enjoy and definitely going to be something you will want to take in. However, for the sake of letting you get out and enjoy the beauty of the area, we have decided it was time to conclude the article so you can get out and enjoy your holiday, but most important go out and explore the attractions in Paris. Not to mention this can easily be seen as the must see Paris attractions to guarantee you have fun.

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