Dublin Attraction
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Discover Christ Church Cathedral – Dublin Attraction

Dublin Attraction
Photo by Chad and Steph is licensed under CC

Dublin is a beautiful city, but it is also one that has so many attractions it is nearly impossible to figure out where you should even think about going to because of the Dublin attractions you can visit. That is why I have covered several of the attractions that I feel are the must see in Dublin and now I am going to cover another attraction that I really think you need to see. In fact, if you read our review of Dublinia, you will notice this attraction is mentioned as the location that houses this one as well. So with that being said, the review of the cathedral will probably not be as in-depth as the other attractions we have covered, but we did not want to leave it out because we do like this one and think it is one that you are going to want to go out and visit. If you do not go to it, you could be missing out on a gem in the city.

Location Of Christ Church Cathedral 

The location of Christ Church Cathedral is actually very easy to find as the location actually has the name of the building as well. However, as we do like to do we are going to provide you with the map and the address as well. This way you can find your way to the cathedral if you need to and know you are not going to get lost. Here is the address of the cathedral.
Christchurch Place
Dublin 8, Ireland

As you can tell it is a very prominent place in the city, which will make it easier for you to find. This way you only have to ask almost any local for help to the location and it will be easy for you to find the place and know you will not get lost while you are trying to make your way to the cathedral for either a tour or just some reflection.

So Why Go To The Cathedral

Well, I have to say that one of the primary reasons why you should visit this church location is the fact that it dates back to almost being a thousand years old. Now you may not think that this is that impressive, but if you consider everything that Ireland has seen from the British invasion to the sacking of the buildings it is very impressive this is a building that has withstood the test of time. It is also important to note this is a building has had renovations and preservation work is done, but for a building that is as old as what this one is, it is very easy to see why this type of work had to be done on the building.

What else is really neat about the building is the fact that it has been a tourist destination almost since the time it was completed. This will allow you to know more about the location and know it is one of those places that has always been seen as being a revered location. So this will definitely be something you need to keep in mind that you will be visiting a place that has been very popular ever since it was built and has often been one of those places that has led to people going to the location for one reason or another.

Now, depending on when you are in town, you will notice this is a place that serves as an amazing concert hall. This will make it easier for you to attend a high profile concert, but also know the safety and the respect that is present in this location is quite a bit higher than what you would find at a concert held in a venue that is not really going to be noted for being a concert type of hall.

If you are a lover of history you will enjoy the fact this is the burial place of Strongbow, who was the leader of the Normans, who would conquer Dublin in 1170. Not to mention that is not only he buried in the crypt of the cathedral, but you will find that this is a location that has one of the largest Medieval Crypts in either Britain or Ireland. So this will definitely make this one of those places you will want to stop in and visit as it will make a difference in the history of the location. On a side note, one thing that is quirky as a find is the fact the organ had a mummified cat and rat inside of it that was from the 1860s and these are both found in the crypt as well.

The belfry may be a location that a lot of people would overlook because they would not think about the church really providing that much to see or do in the area. However, if you have a chance to take a tour of this portion of the cathedral, which tours are offered on a regular basis. At the time of this writing, the tours are being offered five times a day on every day except for Sunday, but you may want to check the website for more information by clicking here.


My Final Thoughts On Christ Church Cathedral In Dublin

If you are looking for some great history that will help showcase some of the struggles Ireland has come through and overcame, but at the same time want to see some very unique architecture then you have to check out Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. This place is simply amazing and definitely a place you will want to visit as I simply fell in love with the place. I have a video below of this Dublin attraction, but even with this stunning drone footage from the outside and the inside it is very difficult to prove just how stunning the building is until you visit Christ Church Cathedral on your own.
