Hortus Haren - Groningen Attraction

Hortus Haren 

Hortus Haren - Groningen AttractionAre you trying to figure out what to do when you are in Groningen, but want to make sure your Netherlands travel plans include something outside? If that is the case, then you will want to make sure you know about some of the beautiful gardens that are in the area. One of those gardens that you will want to go out and visit will be the Hortus Haren. However, what makes this place stand out compared to the other locations you can visit? What is going to make the location one of those that you will want to go to time and time again? Well, we are going to explore that here in this article so you will know just as well as we do as to why you would want to go and visit Hortus Haren, while you are enjoying your trip to all the other Groningen attractions that you are considering to visit as well.


Location Of Hortus Haren

As much as I am going to tell you about the location it will not do a bit of good if you do not know where the place is located at. Since that is the case, I have decided to help you out, with the help of the editor, to provide you with the address of the location and a map as well. This way you can finally get to the place and know where you are going to be in the city as well.

Kerklaan 34, 9751 NN Haren, Netherlands

What Does The Garden Offer You

Chinese Garden

Have you ever wanted to see a Chinese garden up close, but never had a chance because you are not in China or do not know anyone or anywhere to go and see it? Well, if that is the case then you will like the fact that this garden is one that will have a beautiful European style and themed Chinese garden. This may not have the traditional feel to it, but it will definitely provide you with the chance to say you have seen a beautiful Chinese garden up close and personal.


Sometimes a garden is more than just about showcasing the plants in a specific style or manner. Sometimes the gardens are going to be about preserving the plants that are in the garden. That is exactly what you will get at the Laarmantuin as it is a place that will allow you to see some of the worlds rare plants and know they are going to be preserved in a manner you will enjoy, but also the plants are going to have a chance to continue to grow like they should be growing.

Greenhouse in Hortus Haren

Celtic Garden

Everyone knows that the Celtic culture is one that is linked to a lot of mystical powers and sayings. That holds true here even when you are looking at the Celtic Garden. If you look closely you will have a chance to see faces in the stones, but you will also have a chance to see the beautiful circle of trees. In this circle, you will have a chance to link your birthday around and this can tell you quite a bit about your personality and what is quite amazing is the accuracy of the linking.

What I Like About The Location

The Beauty Of The Place

While I have to say this is a garden, so you will find it to be great looking. It is a place that is going to actually allow you and demand that you take you time to just see the plants and to take a stroll through the place. So this is definitely a plus when you see this because it helps to add to the trip you are going to have here.

The Variety Of Themed Gardens

When you are looking at this garden here you will notice they have several different themes you can follow. This is definitely going to be something that you will enjoy because it helps you out in getting to have a great time, but also makes it easier for you to go out and explore the different themes and know that each one is set up to be a different experience for you to enjoy.

What I Dislike Here

Weather Can Be A Factor

Well, I will say that one of the things that I do not like here is the fact the weather can play a tremendous role in how much fun you will have. This is an outdoor attraction so the chances of being able to enjoy it during the middle of a rainstorm is a very slim, the same goes for winter. So you will need to keep this in mind and make sure you have a backup indoor plan when you are deciding on if you want to go here or not.

My Final Thoughts On Hortus Haren

This is a great Groningen Attraction you are sure to enjoy. However, what else is great about the location is the fact that it has so many different themes for you to enjoy. These themes will definitely make it easier for you to have a great trip and feel like you have stepped out and away from Europe. No matter what you will fall in love with Hortus Haren and as long as the weather is nice, will want to come back here time and time again.

