Groningen Attractions


Groningen AttractionsNow, you may be asking yourself what exactly is Noorderplantsoen and why would I want to go here. Well, the first thing that you need to realize is the name when translated to English literally means northern public garden. So this will definitely make it easier for you to have an idea what the location is. However, it is actually a public park that you can go to and enjoy. What else is great about this place is it is open to the public which makes it an affordable Groningen attraction and will allow you to go with your entire family. So what exactly is the hype about this place and what makes it stand out from the other attractions in Groningen? Well, that is what you are going to explore so you will see this could easily make it to your list of places to see when you are planning your Netherland travel plans.

Location Of Noorderplantsoen

Now this is a park that is going to be just a little bit North of the city center. So I will not really be putting out a map on this one or the address. However, that is because this park is fairly easy to find and it will give you an enjoyable time once you do find the park. All I have to say is if you go during the day and it is sunny make sure you take your time to go through the park and enjoy everything you can see in the park.

What Does Noorderplantsoen Offer

  • Ponds are a great point that you will see in this park. You may have never thought about this before, but when you are looking at this you will find the ponds, as you can see in the next point, are part of the older moats. So it is easy to see the ponds as an important feature, but now they are being maintained properly and cared for to make them into a beautiful area you will enjoy.
  • This is a park that is going to wrap around the older city, which is a nice feature. During this wrapping you will notice it has a garden that is going to be more of the English style. So you will feel good about what you are getting to see and know it is going to work for what you want to have in the way of a garden to enjoy.
  • Depending on when you are in the city of Groiningen, you may find the park is going to provide you with plenty of options for you to attend. For example, in later August they have a theater party that you can enjoy and know it will provide you with the enjoyment you want to have, but in the later fall months they have several running events in the park.

What I Like The Most

Incorporation Of The Older City Walls

This is something that you will most likely not realize that this was the area that was allowed for expansion in the past. This meant it had a wall and other items that you would see with a city wall and fortifications. However, as a law allowed for expansion outside of this area was starting to expire, the area never got developed. That area than in turn became the park. What is really cool about this is the fact that it incorporated some of the existing walls into the layout of the park with earthen embankments and that is definitely something that I love because it allowed the park to have a great look to it and an older feel.

What I Dislike

Very Weather Dependent Attraction

Like almost any of the attractions that are outside you will find this is going to be a place that can be impacted by the weather. If the weather is nice, then it will be easy for you to get the right time here. However, if the weather is rainy you will find the park is empty and that you cannot really do much in the way of exploration without ending up getting soaked because of the rain.

Final Thoughts

This is a great park and it is definitely a place that you will enjoy because it has quite a bit to offer if you want to connect with the locals and have a chance to experience the culture of the area. However, at the same time, you will find that it is going to be very difficult to enjoy if it is winter or rainy. So the Noorderplantsoen is a great place to go if you are going to be in town during summer and it is not raining. Great place to check out and should definitely be on your list of places to explore.
