Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum

The maritime history of the Netherlands is well known and it is definitely one of those things that you will want to take into account when you are planning your Netherlands travel plans. One of those places that you will want to consider will be the Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum which is actually a ship museum for people who are unsure what this would translate to. However, what makes this place into one of the best Groningen attractions for you to visit and enjoy? Well, that is what we are going to cover here and once you start to see this it will be very easy for you to see this is one of the best places for you to visit and know your trip is going to be one of the best you can enjoy.

Location Of Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum

The key to getting to enjoy anything is knowing where it is. That is why I have decided to include the address and map for you to enjoy and find the location. So here is the address and the Google Map for you to use to help you in finding the place.

Brugstraat 24, 9711 HZ

Groningen, Netherlands

What Does This Location Offer For You

  • This is a museum that is one of the most popular that you can visit when you travel in the Netherlands. That is definitely going to make it easier for you to have a good time and what is really nice is the place has plenty of exhibits for you to visit.
  • When you are here you will find they do have a large collection of permanent exhibits. These are going to make it easier for you to learn about the history of the Netherlands. However, at the same time, you will notice this is going to help you out in getting to enjoy the city even more because some of the exhibits will be ones that you can interact with, but others are not going to be ones you can interact with because of how they are looking and the delicate way they are being handled.
  • The temporary exhibits you will have a chance to see, if you are in town at the right time, are amazing. These are easily some of the best that you can find in all of Holland and with the quality of these exhibits it will make it quite a bit easier for you to have a great trip and know it will make it easier for you to have a fantastic vacation that you never imagined you would have before while checking out a museum.

What Do I Like About This Place

Constant Flow Of New Exhibits

This is something that I really like and that is the fact this is a place that has temporary exhibits on a regular basis. This makes it easier for you to find something new when you are coming here. What else helps is these exhibits are often seen as being among the world class that you would want to see as well and this helps to keep the place very interesting as I do not want to see the same thing all the time because that would just get boring to me.

Easy To Go Through

This is something else that I really liked about this location and that is the fact that it is very easy for you to get through. While you may have found some museum that it is nearly impossible to get through, you will find this is a place that is very easy to go through and definitely will make it easier for you to have a great vacation that you are going to enjoy immensely.

What I Did Not Care For Here

The Temporary Exhibits Do Not Stay Long

Yes, I know that they are temporary for a reason, but in most of the cases that I have seen they are generally going to be in the museum for a little while. This makes it easier for me to get to them and see what is going on. However, this place for whatever reason the exhibits do not stay in long and if you are planning an International trip you will have to keep a close eye on this or you could be left out looking for something to do.

My Final Thoughts On Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum

The Noordelijk Scheepvaartmueusem is a great place to visit and it is definitely one place you are sure to like. However, at the same time you will want to make sure you have it timed out right or you could miss some of the exhibits you want to see. So I will definitely say this is one Groningen attraction that showcases everything you would want to see in a maritime museum when you are traveling around the Netherlands.
