4 Best Parks To Visit In Vancouver

When you go to a major city you need to realize they are going to have multiple attractions for you to go and see, but when you are on your Vancouver vacation you should know it has a lot for you to do. If you want to read about the Vancouver attractions you can click here. Since this is the case we have decided it was time for us to go out and find what we felt were even more of the attractions for you to see. That’s right, I have gone out and found what I feel are the 4 best parks to visit in Vancouver. Then you will find it is going to be even more of a challenge for you to find the parks that will work for you, but also in narrowing down the locations and attractions, you want to go out and see. With that being the case let us start to look at all the different parks that we have found in Vancouver for you to enjoy.


How Did I Find The Best Parks For Your Vancouver Vacation

Well, I will say this much Vancouver is very beautiful and it is very easy to stray from the city proper and go into the surrounding mountains of British Columbia. However, I tried to stick to the city as much as possible when I was doing this article because that is what is really going to be one of the main draws and not everyone will want to go out into the mountains, even if they are completely stunning and amazing. So I narrowed down the list of parks based off of what they had in the way of attractions, the location of the park, what it offered in the way of nearby things to do, and even what I thought of the park based off of my opinion of the place and if it was going to have something that I liked or not.

4. Pacific Spirit Regional Park

Vancouver Vacation Pacific Spirit Regional Park is a great place to go if you are looking to have a great time and enjoy your day hiking along some of the most beautiful trails that you can find. What is even more amazing is you are very close to the city and you have such a natural beauty so close that you would think you have moved to a completely different area of the country. The park itself is going to cover a total of 2,160 acres which is quite a bit of land as most of the American farms are going to only cover 400 acres on average. In addition to having this much land it has 73 kilometers of trails, but out of those trails, 50 kilometers of them have been designated as a multi-use trail, which makes it easier for you to bring your bike on the path.

When you are looking at this park you will find some of the trails are going to be able to use some of the trails with a wheelchair as well. However, it is important that you recognize that not all of the trails will be wheelchair accessible. So you need to be mindful of this and if you are going in a wheelchair it is recommended that you take a person who is not in a wheelchair with you to help you out if you need it. Depending on the weather you may like sitting at Acadia Beach, if it is open to see the water and just enjoy the quiet beachfront here.


3. John Hendry Park Booth

The location of this park in the central part of Vancouver is what really landed the John Hendry Park at the number 3 spot of our list of the parks in Vancouver. If it was not for this amazing location you would be seeing the Pacific Spirit Regional Park in this spot. This park is a lot smaller than what you would expect with most of the other parks, but it is a park that does cover quite a bit of ground as it will cover 27 acres in total. So this will definitely help you out in getting to have a great time and know the park is one that can be enjoyed. What is really nice is in the middle of this park is a large lake.

What you may not realize is this lake actually played a tremendous part in this parks history. That is because this is a lake that really helped out in getting the timber industry of the region started up. The location actually started with a timber mill and was owned by the person who the park is named after, John Hendry. What is even more amazing is the fact the land was donated to the city in 1926 and was donated by the son-in-law of John Hendry who decided that the parkland could be donated as long as it was named after the lumber barron in the area. If you look carefully when you are going around the lake you may notice some of the older Hastings Sawmill that operated along the lake.

2. Queen Elizabeth Park

Queen Elizabeth Park - Vancouver Park System
Photo by writergal is licensed under CC

Queen Elizabeth Park is only 130 acres, but it is one of those parks that is simply going to amaze you with the views it has and the beauty that the park holds. The downside is this is a very seasonal park for the beauty of the location as it will mainly focus on the flower garden area of the park. However, the views you get and what you are able to see when you are at this park when it is in the full bloom and full attraction is well worth the cost of going to the park and being able to enjoy everything that it has to offer. What is even more amazing than the views, though, is the history of this park and how it literally was transformed from one of the parks that you could have easily overlooked to one of the most beautiful.

The history of this park starts at the turn of the twentieth century in which this park was used as a rock quarry. The rocks from here were the early roads in the city of Vancouver and it really left this park area scarred as the mountain was a visible point in the city itself. The park would see a transformation as the tulip association is the ones who first mentioned the park would be great as a sunken garden area for everyone to enjoy. The park would get a generous gift that would allow it to open a tropical garden house for more than 500 tropical plants in the park. After this gift, the park started to become so popular that it was expanded to include some amazing fountains, plazas, and even views that you cannot find anywhere else.

1. Stanley Park

If you want to get out and see almost any of the main attractions in Vancouver you will hear Stanley Park mentioned quite a bit. That is because this is an amazing park that houses the aquarium, several gardens, and even warranted a full review on our site here. So that should definitely tell you how popular of a destination this park is for you to enjoy and visit. The park is going to come in at a total of 1001 acres, which is quite large for a public park. What is really amazing is how this park is positioned as it is almost entirely surrounded by the Vancouver Harbor and English Bay. This has definitely added to the features of this park and made it into one of the best places for you to visit when you are traveling in Vancouver.

Unlike most of the other parks that are in the park systems of almost any city in the world, this is one of the parks that has allowed nature to take over. The park is almost as densely wooded as when it was first found in the 1800’s. The only addition has been several buildings that were last built for the most part in 1937. The aquarium and some of the other items that you are seeing today and have become a very big attraction in the park were added after the war. The most important thing that you can get from this park is some amazing views of Vancouver Harbor, which is definitely a major attraction as this allows you to watch some of the stunning and majestic cruise ships to set sail.

How To Pick Which Park To Go To While Traveling In Vancouver

When you are on a Vancouver vacation you will notice the city has plenty for you to do. In fact, it can be very difficult at times to narrow down what you are going to want to do when you are in the area. Well, I hate to say it, but I think we just made your job a little bit more difficult as we have gone out and ranked the 4 Best Parks To Visit In Vancouver. Then you can easily start to make your travel plans for Vancouver and know that you will be able to include one of these parks in your traveling in Vancouver vacation plans to guarantee you stop at the right place and know you will have a great trip.

