Seven Mile Beach (Grand Cayman Islands)
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Discover What Makes Seven Mile Beach Stand Out

Seven Mile Beach is one of the most beautiful places in the Cayman Islands. When you are Seven Mile Beach you will see what true natural beauty can hold. With the perfect balance of the white sand with the water lapping at the shore it is not only beautiful, but relaxing as well. Now, the seven mile name here is definitely misleading as the beach itself is not even a mile long.

What definitely helps Seven Mile Beach in the popularity is the closeness to the capital of the Grand Cayman Islands, which is Georgetown. Now, if you are from America, one part that you can look at for the distance is the beach is located 480 miles from Miami. What else helps drive the popularity of Seven Mile Beach is the fact that it is not only near the capital, but also on the largest of the three islands. Grand Cayman island, which you can learn more about the physical features of the Cayman Islands here, is more of a coral island that is well noted for having numerous types of tropical fish. With this closeness and beauty it makes it easier for you to see why the beach is a great tourist destination.

Now, one of the major tourist spots is the Seven Mile Beach and all the resorts that are close by. What is even better the majority of them prefer using United States dollars, instead of other currency. For the food options, you will get a true Caribbean feel as quite a few of the results at the Grand Cayman resorts serve cuisine platters.

If you do not want to use the resorts, then you may find the VRBO options to be the option for you. Some of these will even have a lot of different vacation plans that make it easier for you to enjoy your vacation in the Cayman Islands.

What To Do Near The Beach

Depending on how long you are planning on being around on Grand Cayman, you may want to take a break from the beach and enjoy the butterfly farms. The butterfly farm, near Seven Mile Beach, is a great option if you want to take your kids as well. Depending on your comfort level in the water, you may want to consider one of the scuba diving or snorkeling tours.

All of these are very close to Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island. If you do not feel like going under the water, then the paddle boats or even wind surfing is very popular as well. No matter what, if you cannot find a water sport to participate in, then it will be your own fault.

Seven Mile Beach  Grand Cayman Resorts
Photo by RoadTripWarrior is licensed under CC

Once you have arrived at the location and your resort does not have the information you want, then you may want to look for some of the additional information. Being located near Georgetown, has its perks as you will find a touring agency within walking distance. Now, the downside is the touring agency may want to sell you something they are interested in or affiliated with versus what you want, but that is a problem anywhere you go. The other option you have is to take to the Internet like you have here and start searching for even more options.

What is really great is this is all just a suggestion and you may want to avoid the touring agency completely. In fact, you may want to just sit on Seven Mile Beach in the Caymans and do nothing at all. You could get your daily workout walking to and from the beach.


By Jean