Discover The Must-See Things In Rio 

Rio is a beautiful city and it is definitely one of those cities you are going to want to go out and visit, but you need to know what to do and about the attractions in Rio de Janiero. By knowing these things it will be quite a bit easier for you to find the best place to go and visit, but also know what to expect when you are in the area. With that being the cases, I am going to cover some of the things that I really like to do in Rio, but also some of the things you need to do as well. Then you can rest easier because you are guaranteed you will have a great vacation that will not only keep you active but help guarantee you are not going to miss out on any of the attractions in Rio de Janeiro.

How Did I Work On My List Of Must-See Things In Rio

I have to say, this is a list that I really worked hard on and spent some time researching and taking care of all the different things that I wanted to see. However, this list was expanded and contracted when I started to write it up and noticed the attractions were starting to get so numerous I might as well start a travel book. That is why I decided to narrow down the list based off of what you can see, what you can do, but also if the attraction is meant more for families, couples, or singles. No matter what I have really worked hard on this list to provide you with what I feel are the must-see attractions, but also to help guarantee you have a great vacation like you deserve.


Attractions in Rio de JaneiroIf you wanted the Olympics that were held in Rio, then you are very familiar with the name of this beach here. Copacabana is a very famous beach that held a lot of the Olympics beach sports. However, what is amazing is this beach is more of a melting pot than what you would come to expect. I really love the way this beach has something for almost everyone that can come to the beach. This is a beach that is actually located inside of the neighborhood as well, which is nice and welcoming.

The beach does have a crescent type of shape that will provide you with the chance to find a great place to sit down and enjoy the sun and the fun. The water, for the most part, is usually fairly calm as well, which will make it easier for you to get into the water and enjoy the dip you are taking.  If you want to get out of the water you will find the beach sand to be very nice and this makes it easier for you to sit down and enjoy the beach even more than what you imagined.

Christ The Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer Must-See Things In RioAnytime you see anything that is talking about or even remotely featuring Brazil the one thing they always seem to end on is the Christ the Redeemer statue. This statue is perched overlooking Rio, but it is a great statue that has managed to provide quite a bit of attraction for the visitors of Rio and is definitely going to give you something to do because you have a chance to go to the top of the mountain and look up at the immense and at times intimidating statue. If you are religious at all, this statue will definitely make you think about how small you are in the grand scheme of God’s plans, but also makes it easier for you to know that we all have to look up to the higher power for guidance at times and looking up is something you literally have to do when you are looking at the Christ the Redeemer.

Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden

Botanical Gardens In Rio de JaneiroIf you are a nature lover and enjoy plants then you have to check out the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. This garden is small compared to some of the ones that are around the world but it does have a wide diversity of plants that cover a lot of native plants in Rio, but also those from around Brazil. Some of the plants located in this garden are even considered highly endangered and may even be seen as being on the verge of going extinct if it was not for the gardens that have helped to preserve them all over the world.

What else is great about this location is the fact that it is not limited to only plants. Yes, the plants and greenhouses are definitely the main draws, they are not the only draw that is to be seen in the region. In fact, you will find inside of the garden they offer plenty of things for you to see as they have some of the historical buildings inside of it and even have some architectural buildings that are preserved inside of the garden as well.

Sugar Loaf Mountain

The mountain is one of those that will make it easier for you to see the beautiful jutting mountain out away from Rio. However, this is a mountain that you are going to like because it is definitely a place that has plenty of natural beauty for you to enjoy. I know for me I really love the fact that I can go here and catch almost anything that I want to see, but also have a chance to go out and see the top of the mountain and enjoy the stunning views from the top. It is important to note if you want to get to the top to get a ticket for the tram, but at least you will have a chance to get some of the commanding views you will fall in love with of the city, but also the other power right beside the city and on the other side of Sugar Loaf Mountain and that is the powerful Atlantic Ocean.

Imperial Museum of Brazil

Must Visit Museum In RioThe Imperial Museum of Brazil is one of those locations that has become one of the best museums to visit. It ranks among the top museums in Brazil to visit, but it also has plenty of attractions and is not really limited to any single thing when it comes to the artwork that they have to offer. Since this is the case, it is definitely going to make it quite a bit easier for you to come to the old palace and be able to enjoy the tours that are being offered.

Did I see you mention an old palace? That is a question you could be asking yourself and yes, I did say old palace. That is because this is a palace that has been turned into the museum. The building was completed in 1845 and served as the home of Emperor Pedro II as his summer home. Most of the attractions that are located in the museum come from the palace and the Imperial times of Brazil. However, if you are lucky enough you will notice some of the exhibits here will come from the rotating or visiting exhibits that can be seen in the form of different art displays.

Rio Art Museums

We have found that Rio has quite a few art museums for you to enjoy. However, for me, it was very difficult for me to narrow down the list to only a couple of museums for you to see. So I would highly recommend going out and checking out any of the art museums that are in Rio to get a wide focus on the museums to visit. Some of these will be focusing on the native arts that are present in Brazil, but others will be focusing more on the modern artist that have brought the artworks Brazil is slowly becoming famous for to the forefront of the global spectrum of places to see and visit. So I have to say that no matter which one of the art museums you end up visiting in Brazil it will be easy for you to have a good trip because you can finally see a place that is simply amazing.

Tijuca National Park

Tijuca National Park

As we have mentioned time and time again Brazil is a place for everyone to enjoy and one of the best reasons is the rainforest that is surrounding a lot of the cities that are in Brazil. With one of those, they have been transformed into one of the best national parks that I think can outdo almost any of them in the world. That is the Tijuca National Park. This is a park that has some amazing features and it is definitely a place you will enjoy.

Inside of the Tijuca National Park, you will have a chance to see the animals that have made Brazil famous, but also a chance to see what for the most part is an unspoiled wilderness. Yes, the park does have trails cut through it, but it definitely is worth the trip because you have a chance to see this in a way that you never imagined before. I will warn you this is a rain forest park so you need to make sure you take this into account or you could have some problems in getting the enjoyment because you will be sweating and if you do not put on enough deodorant smelly as well.

What About The Other Attractions In Rio de Janeiro

Well, like I said at the beginning my list was exhaustive of what I wanted to include. However, because of the way the Internet works and the fact I know you want to go out and enjoy your vacation, instead of reading all day, I had to cut off the article somewhere. That is why I had to stop the article where I did. I will say there are quite a few other must-see things in Rio, but you will notice you are going to have a lot going for them all. No matter what, the key thing for you to do is make sure you know what to do in Brazil first, but when you are looking at this topic you may notice some of the attractions in Rio de Janeiro are going to make the list of these things to do.

Other Valuable Links

Want to explore Rio de Janeiro even more? Check out our Rio de Janeiro page.

Want to learn more about the Rio de Janeiro state? Then visit our Rio de Janeiro State page.

Learning about the Southeast Region of Brazil? Visit the Southeast Brazil Page.

Learn more about Brazil on our Brazil page.

South America is fun so you might as well check out our South America travel page.

Just remember to check out the best attractions in Rio de Janeiro.


By Ramone

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