5 Best Hotels To Stay At In Brussels

When you are trying to figure out where to stay in Brussels you will find there are literally over five hundred hotels in the city. This is not just trying to scare you into deciding on a place or finding a place that will not suit your needs. In fact, this is a great figure because it makes it easier for you to find a great hotel that you can stay in and enjoy your holiday more than what you imagined. Since this is the case and because I know you only want to stay in the best hotels in Brussels, I decided I would take some time and find what I feel are the 5 Best Hotels To Stay At In Brussels. By finding these hotels and providing a link for you to book them, it will make it easier for you to find a great place to stay and know you will have a fantastic holiday, but not be disappointed in what you are going to see and do when you are in Brussels.

How Did I Narrow Down The List Of Brussels Hotels

I have to say that this was a challenge for me, but I worked mainly off of the location of the hotels. Then I decided I would look for what kind of amenities they offer. Now unlike most of the American hotels not all of these will have a pool, fitness room,  or some of the other things you may be used to in America. That is why you will want to know about some of these hotels or you could easily end up disappointed in the place that you are going to and not really be able to have a great holiday because of it.

5. Hotel des Galeries

This is a hotel that is very clean and it is going to make it a great trip for you to enjoy. What is amazing about this place is the fact that it has something that you can enjoy with the hotel is the views of the hotel. Some of the rooms will overlook the Galeries, but others are going to look out over the city itself. This is definitely a place that you are going to like because it will have plenty of rooms for you to enjoy and know that it is going to give you a great time relaxing and enjoying yourself even more than what you imagined.

The hotel is a more of a boutique hotel that you are going to like. With this being the case, you will find the place only has a total of 23 rooms for you to enjoy. Each of these rooms are going to have a private bath and a soaking tub inside if you want to have a bath, but if you want to take a quick shower you will find the place does have a great shower that has a rain drop style shower head. No matter what, the Hotel des Galeries is a great place that you are going to enjoy for a lot of the amenities and features you are going to love.

4. The Dominican 

Brussels Hotels - The DominicanThe Dominican is a great place to stay in and if you do not like the smell of cigarette smoke then you will find it is going to be a great place to stay in as this hotel is non-smoking. Compared to the boutique hotel in the fifth spot you will see that this place is quite a bit larger. This is because of the location that is very close to the cathedral of Saint Michael. The location is a great place that you are going to like because it is definitely a place that has plenty of attractions nearby, what else is great is the place does have a bar on site that makes it easier for you to get a drink and not have to worry about trying to find your way back to the hotel.

What is great about this hotel, in addition to the bar, is the fact that it is located within a very quick walking distance of the town square and all of the other major tourist attractions. You will enjoy this quite a bit because it makes it easier for you to walk and avoid having to pay for a taxi. What else is nice is if you want to go to a location that does not allow children you will find the place does have childcare available for a surcharge.

3. Hotel Agora Brussels Grand Place

The Hotel Agora Brussels Grand Place is a great place that you are going to love and enjoy being in. However, what you will find is this is a hotel that is located in the center of town and this makes it easier for you to access the towns amenities very easily. So this is definitely something that you are going to need to look for with the beautiful areas that are around here. This is a hotel that is very small and has a total of 22 rooms in the hotel and this makes it easier for you to have a great stay in the location and know it will be easier for you to find the place as being one of those that you are going to fall in love with rather easily.


The construction of this location is definitely going to make it easier for you to have a good time as well as the place has the old heavy timber construction. The rooms that you have a chance to stay in will actually help you out in getting to enjoy the great views of the town square and it will make it easier for you to have a good time. The downside is this hotel is 4 floors tall and if you have a room on the top floor you will get a great view, but I can tell you that you will get your workout, as well as the location, does not have an elevator to use.

2. Hotel Amigo

The Hotel Amigo is a place that has been seen and talked about as being one of the locations with the friendliest staff. This is definitely true when you start to look at this location and read the reviews online. The staff is very friendly and definitely will help you out if you have any issues that are going to creep up when you are trying to find a hotel to stay in or want to have a great place that is going to fulfill your holiday plans. As with most of the hotels in the list, you will find the location of here is in the middle of town and this makes it easier for you to get out and explore all the places you would want to go out and see. In fact, The Grand Place is about a couple of minutes walk from where you are staying.

Some people are going to be worried about dropping their kids off at a child care center at the hotel. The Hotel Amigo definitely understands this and for the family travelers the place does have a great feature and that is the in-room childcare. This type of childcare will make it easier for you to have a great trip and not have to worry about your kids wandering around the hotel or being around other kids and adults. Compared to some of the hotels that we have talked about here, you will notice this is a hotel that does have a fitness room which helps you stay in your exercise routine.

1. Thon Hotel EU

Where To Stay In BrusselsThe Thon Hotel EU is a place that you are going to love because it has quite a bit going for it, but it also has some amazing views. The hotel is rather large and it is going to have quite a few rooms that is going to come in at over 400 rooms. So this is definitely a large location that you are going to love because it has a great comfort as well that is going to make it easier or you to enjoy the place even more than what you thought.

When you are here you will find the rooms are going to be a little bit on the small side compared to some of the other hotels. The views and the location of the hotel are really going to make it easier for you to find a great place to stay in and forget about the size of the rooms unless you are traveling with a lot of people. When you are here, you will like the fact that it is close to a metro station and this will help you out quite a bit getting the best transportation around the region and not missing out on anything that is around the area.

How To Pick Where To Stay In Brussels

As you can tell we did provide a decent list of hotels to pick from in Brussels. This is going to make it easier for you to find the right place to stay and know where you are going to be sleeping at night. By knowing about this it will be easy for you to find the best place and know you are going to have a great vacation. Without this, you could end up disappointed in the place you are staying. That is why I have to say the location would be the main consideration to make when you are traveling. Outside of the location, I would have to say the next thing to consider would be the amenities the properties offer. No matter what I have provided you with the list of what I feel are the 5 best hotels to stay at in Brussels, now as the saying goes the ball is in your court.

