5 Things To Do In Calgary With Kids

When you are traveling in Calgary with kids you will find that it is going to have some problems figuring out what exactly you can do. Sometimes it is because you are going to Calgary for the first time, but other times it may be because you need to learn more about what you can do with your kids depending on the age of your children. I know this can be a major problem at times for a lot of people and it can easily lead to your dream trip to Calgary quickly becoming your nightmare. Since that is the case, I decided that it was time for me to share with you what I feel as the best things to do in Calgary with kids. This way you are able to know more about the region and understand exactly what is going on in the region and know more about the places that you can go with your kids in Calgary to have a great trip.


5. The Hangar Flight Museum

When you have a kid that loves flight they are going to love this place. The place has plenty of aircraft on display for you to enjoy. At the same time, you will find the location has interesting facts about the planes and aircraft that are on display as well. What else is great about this place is the fact that it is going to have more than what you would find in just a regular military flight museum and in fact it will have quite a bit for you to see in the way of the civilian aircraft and even has a couple of the more modern military fighter jets. No matter what, The Hangar Flight Museum, is a place that you will surely love with your kids and anyone who loves aviation will like this place as well.


4. Banff National Park Tour

Banff National Park is a very beautiful area in Calgary that you are going to want to explore when you are in the area. The problem you may have is not having a lot of time to get to see the major attractions that are in the park. This is why you will love the fact that you can find some local tour companies in the area that will be able to take you around the park and provide you with the best features of the park and this will make it easier for you to enjoy the park and the region. At the same time, though, since you are taking a tour you get a background on each place and will be back to the city before you miss out on dinner or even get back to late for your kids to go to bed.

Calgary and Banff Mountain Biking Adventure – $333.72

Join a local expert to see the beauty of of the parks around Calgary and Banff. This mountain biking adventure takes you on an insiders tour to experience the natural splendors of the area. Each adventure is personalized to the group to maximize comfort and fun and led by an expert local guide who will take you to all their favorite spots and trails. You will be awed by the natural diversity this area has to offer.

3. Calgary Zoo

Well, I have to say that almost any major city you travel to will have a great zoo. Calgary is no different as it is going to have an amazing zoo for you to enjoy and be able to see some great animals as well. What I have to say is this is a zoo that is going to have some beautiful animals and what is really amazing is you can see the animals are very well cared for. This way you are able to get the chance to see the animals up close, but also see them in as close to a natural habitat that you would normally not be able to see without going into the jungles or hiring a safari guide for you to have a chance to see some of the animals in the wild and still not be able to see them all. As you can see you will also have some amazing picture opportunities that you are going to get like the ostrich in the picture to the right here. No matter what you will want to make sure you check out the Calgary Zoo as it is simply an amazing place to go and see.

2. Summer Bobsled Adventure

Depending on the age of your kids you may find this is one of the best adventures you can take your kids on. This adventure is one that you are going to find to be amazing and it is located in the Olympic Park area as well and will obviously be using the bobsled track. The adventure does cost a little bit of money, but it is money that is well worth spending because you are going to get so much from the adventure and where else can you go on a trip and say that you went down the same bobsled track that some of the most famous athletes in the world have used? What else is great about this place is they provide everything that you are going to need to have a great trip. A key thing that you need to remember is this is a place that will be action-packed and can potentially be dangerous so you may not want to bring your kids with you.

1. Heritage Park Historical Village

Yes, you read this right that I have ranked the best place to go in Calgary with kids as a historical village.  I do have some sound reasoning for this and that is mainly because this is a living recreation village that you are going to love. This place will allow you to experience Calgary from the amazing frontier town that would have the steam engines stopping in to pick up the visitors and bring them to the town, but then you can go in and explore the buildings like they would have been at the time. When you are here you will find that this is definitely a place that you are going to enjoy because it is not only great fun for the entire family, but you are sure to learn something when you are here, even if it is seeing that what the history books taught you really did happen and it happened in a way that you never imagined before.

How To Pick Which Of The 5 Things To Do In Calgary With Kids

If I was you, I would try to do all of these attractions because they are definitely going to give you a great trip. However, if you have to narrow down the picks when you are traveling in Calgary with kids. Since that is the case, you will want to know that I really like the things I picked out and if you can do any of them off of this list then you and your kids are going to be in for a great treat. No matter what you pick, I do have to say I am very happy with the list of 5 things to do in Calgary with kids list that I have come up with here.

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